– The Obama “I told you so” thread –

We manifest our fears. This is especially true if we think about them over and over. My current personal situation is proving this to me. In terms of the future, how you view reality now really does matter, as does how you view the future itself. In some things, the most important things, there is no room for sloppy thinking. I think we as Lightworkers need to be especially vigilant about this, because we are beginning to draw and work with actual power, and our ability to manifest is becoming much greater than that of the average individual. I think it is appropriate for us to be aware of what is transpiring around the world. But I think we need to be very open-ended about our conclusions, assuming that coming to conclusions is a wise thing to do at all, in light of the “as above, so below” rule.

IMHO, when learning about developing situations around the world, we can analyze the causes, and decide what, if anything, we can do to help. If we absolutely must consider possible futures, we should do so very openly and loosely and with the goal solely of finding out if there’s anything we can do now to help. If there isn’t, and we can’t stop thinking our predictions, then I think we shouldn’t think about that situation any more.

There is plenty of thought energy out there propelling us toward nuclear war already. We need to counter it, not add to it!

IMHO we need to stop pondering NOW whether there’s going to be a nuclear war, let alone predicting the place! If we’re going to ponder anything it should be a scenario that de-escalates the conflict and results in peace.

I’m not saying Lightworkers shouldn’t think for themselves…I’m just saying that as “Spiritual Warriors” I believe we need to take responsibility for our minds the way a soldier takes responsibility for his or her weapon. He/she knows how much harm it can cause and is very careful where it is pointed. Lastly, I think we should be visualizing our butts off (not literally) in terms of bringing people to the path. We should be drawing people’s interest to this site and to Michael’s books, via one avenue or another. We should be intending for people to take whatever path will be most effective for them, and to encounter whatever help or learning opportunities they need along the way. It seems to me one really good way to do this is through the GI. I think we need to grok that we don’t just do the GI for ourselves. It is a great time, as we are visualizing awakening for the planet, to intend people everywhere to find the LP specifically, as it is the fastest and most effective way for them to awaken.

For a while I thought I might be so damaged that my energy couldn’t help much. I don’t think that anymore. You are weak if you think you are weak, and you are powerful if you think you are powerful. If you have your chakras open during the GI, you are a very powerful being drawing on an unlimited supply of all the energies of creation.