The four levels of LP – Lightning Path Overview –

Jah come to break downpression, Rule equality, Wipe away transgression, Set the captives free.


So if you’re still reading I guess I can assume that you are interested in finding out more about The Lightning Path. Well, as I said, the LP is devoted to your spiritual awakening, empowerment, and ascension. More than that, the LP is devoted to the awakening, empowerment, and ascension of this planet. The goal of the LP is nothing less than the spiritual emancipation of this planet, and not in the next lifetime, or in the next decade, or a few years from now, but right now, in this life time, and as soon as bloody well possible.

Now as much as I’d like to say that that the whole thing is easy peasy, it’s not. Well, that is not quite true. In a way it is quite easy. Many individuals experience an almost immediate initiation experience when stepping onto this path, and while you might doubt that, especially if you’ve been trained in old world spiritualities, or if you’ve been taught how “difficult” and “onerous” the process is supposed to be, once you realize that the process of spiritual awakening is akin to tipping of a blindfold, or filling up a glass, then you’ll understand that it’s just not that complicated or difficult, at least to get started. Indeed, getting the energy flowing can be quite easy. Actually handling the energy flow, and dealing with the clearing and activation process is another matter altogether and that’s why we have four levels of LP attainment. Each “level” of attainment is designed to bring you forward into the full light of consciousness in carefully graduated steps that allow you to safely activate your physical unit and properly ground and integrate all the new information and abilities that will come flowing to you, without you ending up frightened or turned off by your own power, debilitated by neurosis, or lost to spiritual psychosis.

And if that part caused you to pause, then brilliant. You should know, you’re playing with (the) fire (of consciousness) here and that’s no joke. If you’re not careful, bad things can happen to you. And I’m not saying this to scare you. The Lightning Path has a very high success rate and chances are good that if you are careful and go at your own speed you won’t have any trouble at all. However, you should remain alert to the possibility of difficulty. If you find you are losing your footing, and if you feel like you are beginning to fall, ask for help. We have people waiting to provide assistance at our forums, and professional assistance and guidance is available. Most of the time it just takes a few words to straighten things out and keep you on the straight and narrow.

Core level

In any case, for your reference, and as I’ve already said, there are four levels of LP study. The core level is the introductory level. It is where you start. If you were to think of your physical body like a vehicle or car, and if you were to imagine that this car has been sitting in the driveway for a long time, then the core level is the part of the process where you turn the car on to see how good it is running. You do this, as you will see, by activating your chakras and processing and clearing any blockages and fears that come up. This is an important part of the process and you should not skip it or jump ahead. This part of the process helps you identify blocks, fears, psychological instabilities, and damages to your physical unit (i.e. damaged ego) that may cause you difficulty as you advance and especially as you begin to reconnect to The Fabric of Consciousness (see The Book of Light volume one). The bottom line is, you have to focus on and repair your physical unit before you put it into direct contact with your powerful spiritual consciousness. If you fail to identify significant blocks, and if you move forward to a more direct connection to the Fabric of Consciousness before you are ready, psychosis and serious long term damage to your physical unit, and your ability to awaken and empower, is possible.

And once again this is not to scare you. The LP is a carefully designed and graduated system and most people have no difficulty with it. However, there is the possibilty of difficulty and you need to be alert to that fact. A simple and honest request for assistance and grounding can make all the difference between a difficult awakening experience, and a smooth and comfortable transition out of the maya and illusion of the old world.

Intermediate level

The next level is the intermediate. After clearing out the major issues and blockages, and after providing you a basic set of spiritual concepts (both at the core level), we begin the process of preparing you for a safe and productive connection to The Fabric of Consciousness by engaging in a critical process of mental/archetypal sanitation. This process, which is facilitated with the Halo/Sharp tarot/archetype system, will help you identify all the negative, pernicious, disempowering, and damaging ideas that you have picked up as part of the indoctrination process we all go through. This level will also begin the process of fully opening your crown chakra in order to experience direct spiritual communication with your higher self through a guided process of connection. Once again, don’t skip this process. It is no understatement to say that making direct spiritual connections with your powerful “higher self” can be dangerous and frightening, and potentially counterproductive, if you are not properly prepared. Having the right ideas in your brain is an essential part of that preparation. Having the right ideas can make all the difference and can ensure that you have a smooth and uneventful expansion of consciousness into the body (i.e. reconnection with The Fabric of Consciousness).

Advanced level

After the intermediate level we have the advanced level. This level moves beyond the intermediate level and begins to develop, in considerable detail, a new world cosmology, philosophy, theology, physics, sociology, and psychology. The goal of the LP advanced level is nothing less than the total revision of our understanding of our selves and our place in creation. In the wise words of Tracy Chapman, we need to start all over. If we want to change this world we cannot use old world symbols, old world archetypes, and old world understandings. The old ways of thinking are clearly wrong (else this world would have changed a long time ago) and unless you are absolutely blind to the condition of life on this planet and the depth of suffering we allow, you’ll see the Truth of this. We either rewrite our myths and archetypes, or sink with the old ship. It doesn’t get any more basic or plain than that. In any case, the LP advanced is that rewrite. The LP advanced pulls together the foundations provided at the core and intermediate level and provides a new cosmology, new theology, and new way of looking at things that not only rejects all old world spirituality but that provides the intellectual, philosophical, and conceptual foundation for a total integration of science and spirituality. In this way LP cosmology, theology, and science becomes the foundation and blueprint for shifting this world from the ugly manifestation we currently endure to a more suitable expression of our unity, divinity, and glory. As an aside, I think Tracy Chapman in her song New Beginning (video below) perfectly captures the intent and goal of the LP.


Mentor level

Finally, we have the mentor level. At this level we take all the insights of the core, intermediate, and advanced level and present them in a certificate program that allows you to function as a Lightning Path mentor. An LP mentor is an individual who has studied the core, intermediate, and advanced levels, has seen the benefit that comes from adopting the spiritual principles and ideas of the LP, and is now interested in helping others follow this authentic path of awakening and empowerment. Study to become an LP mentor is facilitated through the Open University of Light. OUL courses are suited for anybody (including professional social workers, psychologists, Reiki enthusiasts, individuals who work with children, and others in the helping professions) wishing to deepen their understanding of LP spirituality with the goal of helping others get off the sinking ship. You can view upcoming course offerings.

Final Note

As a final note I should say that the LP system is not yet complete. The core and intermediate levels are mostly finished, but the advanced level and the LP mentor level are still under construction. The LP Mentor level should be completed by the end of 2012. The advanced levels should be completed by the end of 2012. Some of the LP advanced materials are available in draft form to site subscribers even now.
