대각 – 자각 능력을 주소서 Ascend – The Obama “I told you so” thread –

The problem is not government per se…but the pervasive corruption that allows the greedy wishes of a tiny “elite” to override the legitimate needs of everyone else.

talk about making perfect sense!

Now that should be on a billboard, (not that I am for billboards in the first place but if the atrocities must exist lets put something on them that holds truth).

If, again, you agree with the LP knowledge set, and an entire civilization was destroyed by an asteroid sent by immortal spirit due to out of control manifestations of said PU, why would you balk at my posts regarding this information as outlined by the author of this work, Michael?

When I initially read the book I did not read it as using energy and rapid manifestation, I read it to be the type of manifestation that exists today. Misuse of technology by the greedy that is destroying the common good and the planet. I will take another look at the book to make sure, but that was my impression. And what is wrong with redirecting energy back to its origin where it was originally intended to damage/harm innocent people? I would think that spirit is in assistance with that kind of mission wouldn’t you? If some sleepwalker is coming at me with a hammer and nails, I am not going to weep over their disconnectedness and allow it to happen (that will just prolong the awakening if you ask me), I am going to use my power to stop the assault. Make sense? makes PERFECT sense to me anyway.

I find that when discussing personal power and the power of “The System” it is necessary to make a clear distinction between the two. Taking our power back has a personal and global dimension, but in order to be truly balanced it seems to me critical to not mix up the two. I think this distinction is relevant to any political discussion

I would agree Denny. There is a massive gap between the wealthy and the poor that needs to be filled and then the best outcome that we are all equal and capable of manifesting our creative thoughts.


whole foods the walmart of organic…hmmmm that sounds appetizing : i he *****The Book of Life****Atlantis pages 66 thru 68

I will hold to my first impression.