EJANZH: Submissions and Style Guide

Submission Guidelines and Editorial Policy

Articles, conference papers and reviews of books or hypermedia must be submitted in electronic format, either as a file attached to an email message, or by post on PC readable disk. We do not accept MAC only disks, except in the case of book reviews directed to the book review editor.

If you intend sending a disk by post, contact the editor for our current postal addresses.

If your copy contains conventional notes or references, we require two copies: one with notes in the footnote or endnote facility of your wordprocessing software; the other with notes as separate paragraphs at the end of the body of your text. Work that does not comply with this requirement will not be considered for publication.

If you wish to submit hypermedia with a view to publication, please first contact the editor.

Completed book reviews should be sent to the book reviews editor, in rich text format (*.rtf).

Editorial Policy

Articles, conference papers, research notes, hypermedia and book reviews are published after peer review.

Articles, conference papers, research notes and hypermedia are assessed blind by no less than two scholars with expertise in appropriate fields. The editorial board is also invited to appraise work before publication.

Reviews of Books and History in Hypermedia

Reviews of books and history in hypermedia are commissioned by the Reviews Editor from persons who have demonstated expert knowledge in the subject matter of the book, or related fields.

While allowing the reviewer every liberty in honest critique, reviews should be fair, impersonal, and constructive.

Standards for bibliographic detail are the same as those of articles, conference papers and research notes (see below).

The Reviews Editor will appraise the review and may make such changes to tone and content in consultation with the reviewer as she or he thinks appropriate.

The review will then be read by the editorial board, and subject to any changes being recommended and approved by a majority of the board, the review will be published and licensed for republication with H-Review, the book review program of H-Net, the International On-Line Network for the Humanities.

The Reviews Editor may, from time to time, accept unsolicited reviews. These are subject to the same processes as commissioned reviews.

As well as books, the journal reviews other types of print materials, videos, CD-ROMs and hypermedia products.

The Reviews Editor will provide reviewers of history in media other than print with guidance as to the conceptual and technical criteria by which they should assess the work under review. They will also work with the reviewer to present the review in the most appropriate choice of media.

Reviews should be approximately 800-1500 words in length, and should be ready approximately 6-8 weeks after they are commissioned.

Reviews should include the full bibliographic details of the work under review (including hardware/software requirements for CD-ROM material).

Please note that reviews must include the ISBN and the recommended retail price in Australian or NZ dollars.

Reviews should also include a brief (2-3 lines) biography of the author of the review.

Reviews may not be published in other journals or appear in other places without first seeking the permission of the Editorial Board.

If this is granted, the review must carry the following acknowledgement: “Reprinted by permission of the Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History (http://www.jcu.edu.au/aff/history/).”

Copies of all reviews are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed approximately two weeks after their publication.

Footnotes or Endnotes:

Work conforming to any scholarly system of notation is accepted. However, the style employed for references must be consistent. Work that is otherwise will not be considered for publication.


Short quotations (not more than forty words of prose or two complete lines of verse) should be enclosed in single quotation marks and run on with the main text. If not more than two complete lines of verse are quoted but the quotation includes a line division, this should be marked with a spaced upright stroke ( | ). For a quotation with a quotation, double quotation marks should be used.

Long quotations should be broken off by two hard returns from the preceding and following text. Do not enclose long quotes within quotation marks. Quotations occurring within long quotations should be put in single quotation marks.If a further quotation occurs within a quotation, double quotation marks should be used.


Australian contributors are asked to follow the Macquarie Dictionary 2nd edn. International contributors’ spelling and grammar may be revised to conform to Australian conventions.

Abbreviations should not be used.

Numbers and Dates

Use numerals for dates: She graduated from Sydney University in 1947. Centuries should be spelled (i.e. nineteenth century; eighteenth-century technologies). Numbers should be given in words, unless the number is a statistic. Figures should be used for years. Numbers at the beginning of sentences and approximate numbers should be expressed in words, as should ‘hundred’, ‘thousand’, ‘million’, ‘billion’, etc., if they appear as whole numbers. Two-and-a-half days went by. The fire destroyed about five thousand books Two hundred and forty-seven pages were written.

In non-statistical contexts express weights and measures in words.