Are you a publisher? « The Socjournal

Faster than the speed of Lightning

As a publisher or writer or publisher of Sociology and Social sciences, you’ve probably never thought of a mass market for your goods. The critical study of sociology remains conveniently obscured behind a global media blackout on social research, and a wall of disciplinary verbiage. But it is time to break down that wall and access the masses. If you are a publisher of social science/sociology books, then put your book announcements in the Socjourn. Get direct and almost instant access to a rapidly growing audience of people interested in Sociology and related disciplines (like Women’s Studies) and put your well written and accessible books out there faster than the speed of lightning. Content on the Socjourn becomes available on Google typically withing twenty four hours of posting.

The service is free and you may even request a publisher’s account where, if you follow a few simple rules, you can upload your own book announcements as they become available.

Contact us and help us bring Sociology and the Social Science to the world.

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Posted by Dr. Michael Sosteric on October 15, 2010.

Categories: Featured Articles, General