EJANZH: Subject Index

The North Queensland Oral History Project commenced in 1979 with the award of a major Australian Research Council Grant to the late Professor Brian J. Dalton and Dr Henry Reynolds. Since that time it has continued on a reduced scale with funds from a variety of sources.

The aim of the project is to record in depth the life experiences of senior North Queensland residents.

Interviews during the first phase of the project (c. 1979 – 1989) were mostly conducted by Ms Carole Edmondson, who was also instrumental in the creation of a computerised subject index using the Unix based data management program 1022.

The current research officer and principle interviewer is Ms. Barbara Erskine Her conventional mail address is:

Department of History and Politics
James Cook University of North Queensland
P.O. Q4811  

The project is currently under the academic direction of Dr Diane Menghetti

We are currently working on a facility to allow you to download the first phase subject index that you can easily import it into a database constructed with one of several commercially available software packages. However, for the time being, you may obtain a copy of this resource by contacting the Journal‘s editor.