Field summary for Sex
Please enter your sex
Male (G1)4514.38%  
Female (G2)5818.53%  
No answer00.00%
Not completed or Not displayed21067.09%  

Field summary for Education
What is your highest level of educational attainment
Some High School (1)30.96%  
High School Graduate (2)72.24%  
Some College (3)3812.14%  
College Graduate (4)257.99%  
Some Postgraduate (5)103.19%  
Postgraduate (6)206.39%  
No answer00.00%
Not completed or Not displayed21067.09%  

Field summary for Income
Choose the answer that best describes your current financial situation
I’m destitute. I don’t have enough to eat. I don’t have a home to live in (1)20.64%  
I’m poor, but I have a home. Still, I often go hungry (2)41.28%  
I’m poor, but I’m not hungry, and even have a few things to call my own (3)299.27%  
I make enough to survive comfortably and have some fun (4)3812.14%  
I’m middle class, I have an average house, a car or two, and bills up to my ying-yang (5)185.75%  
I’m upper middle class. I have a bigger than average house, two or more cars, and bills up to my ying-yang (6)82.56%  
I’m starting to peak into the upper echelons. My house is getting bigger, my cars are getting nicer, and I can take a big trip once in a while (7)41.28%  
I’m wealthy. I have everything I need, and almost everything I want, but I still got bills up to my ying-yang (8)00.00%
I’m uber rich, and I don’t know why I’m even reading this survey (9)00.00%
No answer00.00%
Not completed or Not displayed21067.09%  

Field summary for LifeInterests
Please choose the general life interests that apply.
I’m a student of the social sciences (1)8527.16%  
I’m a student of the humanities (2)185.75%  
I’m a student of the sciences (3)175.43%  
I’m a student of the professions (4)134.15%  
I’m a student of the arts (5)185.75%