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And I’m sorry, but IMO anyone who genuinely thinks the U.S. is a Democracy cannot be trusted to make intelligent political evaluations (my apologies if this offends anyone.) And if they do not genuinely believe the U.S. is currently a Democracy, then there can be only one reason to put the statement at the bottom of every page: they are trying to elicit an emotional reaction from readers and enforce it through repetition. If that is the case, then they are just as guilty of manipulating the public as they accuse Obama of being.

Yes, I did think along these lines myself, but then again the authors are not running for President of the USA (just trying to stop someone they don’t see as qualified) As to whether he really uses hypnotic techniques in his speeches? I can’t say for sure. Just about every speech pattern seemed to me that it could just as easily have been deliberately written, paced and timed that way to excite a crowd and get an emotional reaction. If I were going for that objective, I would do many of the same things and I am not a trained hypnotist. Nor, I don’t think, are you a trained attorney as Obama is. I think you would probably not pause after the specific (trigger) words he uses, but would be more likely to pause and emphasise content that you consider crucial, as that is how I have seen you write. The hand gesture thing mystifies me. The connections just didn’t seem direct and consistent enough to convince me, absolutely, that he was anchoring statements. But I’ll acknowledge it’s possible that he might have been doing that. I don’t know if you followed all the links from the document (I did most of them) but this one I found particularly intriguing, as it shows Hitler using a remarkably similar gesture though I can’t see how or why Hitler could have been using it as an anchor for the voting booths. Well, I hate to say it, but I don’t think people need to be hypnotized to put emotion over logic. There’s no question his speeches invoke a lot of emotion, and connect with many of the hopes and fears Americans have right now. Most people these days are actually not taught logic and critical thinking. I think this is indeed very true (though I think he needed both) here’s yet another YouTube video, sorry to keep using this source of information but it does show how uncritically some of his supporters think, I don’t know how representative a sample it is, but I’m guessing it’s pretty typical. I’m also reserving judgment on Obama and his capabilities until I can see what occurs after he has been in the presidency for a little while. I think we could all drive ourselves crazy scrutinizing his every cabinet appointment right now and making all sorts of predictions. IMO that’s a bit of a waste of time because he’s a wild card. There’s no telling what he’ll do until he’s done it. A wild card indeed, watch this from 4.40 minutes to see him swap his viewpoint on the threat posed by Iran. I don’t think it is a waste of time doing this scrutinizing (although it does seem like it’s a bit late now) but maybe it will help some people see he is not really very likely to be a saviour, so they can get on with taking their power back. Love and Light
