About me – General –


Dear Michael, I just want to send off a note of gratitude for the awesome (no other way to describe it!) contribution you have made to my personal evolution with your books. I had been actively requesting new spiritual information, and one day–wham, up on my screen from Amazon appears your books. Read them all and loved them, then passed them on to my friends who rave about them as well. Can’t wait to get your new book, as I’m sure it will be as powerfully packed as your others. Thanks so much (to Spirit as well)–you landed in my life in perfect Divine Order! Espavo,Theresa

So you want to know who I am? Well, I’m honored.

My name is Dr. Michael Sharp and I’m an an academic with a PhD in sociology and undergraduate degrees in both psychology and sociology. I am the husband of Gina, parent of Stephen, Niko, Vayda, and Tristan, and the caretaker of two cats and two dogs. I teach at a university and at one time did research in scholarly journals and scholarly communication.I even started the world’s first electronic sociology journal all those years ago. Now, however, my interests have changed. These days my research and writing is based in a cross between psychology, sociology, and dyed in the wool mysticism.

About ten years ago I had a series of powerful mystical experiences that led me to question both my childhood religious training (I was born and raised Catholic) and also my adopted scientific atheism. Shortly after having these mystical experiences, actually shortly after clearing some rather deeply buried and profound fears that I had struggled with my entire adult life (fears partly the result of my Catholic indoctrination, and partly the result of past life experiences), I began writing spiritual books.

When I started to write, or rather a few months after I started, I thought that I’d write two or three books on chakras, ascension, crystal children, and cosmology. Unfortunately, my unambitious aspirations soon disintegrated because the more I explored the mystical hallways of creation, the more I learned, and the more I wrote about what I was learning, the more dissatisfied I became with current (and past) spiritual offerings. In fact, as time passed it quickly became clear to me that our collective understanding of all things spiritual was incomplete and corrupted. The glorious truths of spirituality, God, and our place and purpose in creation that previous spiritual teachers had brought to this world had been turned against us. Truths that should have empowered and freed us were now factors in our energetic and spiritual oppression. And what was worse, the corruptions and inaccuracy were ubiquitous. From the big religions of this world right down to our modern new age alternatives, all we heard was the lie of how imperfect, flawed, and unevolved we were and how much we deserved (or,if we had adopted a more “progressive” religion/spirituality, had chosen) the world as it currently existed. I soon realized that all these “old world” systems of spiritual thought did was provide excuses and justifications for the political, economic, and social nonsense of this world and for me that was not only unacceptable, but a wholly innaccurate farce of the the high Truths of creation. Having “touched the face of God” more than a few times I bloody well knew that in the eyes of God (or consciousness if you prefer), none of the war, suffering, violence, poverty, and shit and abuse that passes for “life” on this world was acceptable. In fact, to be perfectly honest, it was all a blasphemy in the eyes of God and it all had to be fixed.

So where did that leave me?

Well, to make a long story short I basically had two choices I could make, or two roads I could follow. I could either write my two or three books and walk away from what I knew to be true, or I could buckle down and confront, remove, and replace the old world systems of spirituality with something knew and better. This second choice wouldn’t make for an easy road of course. If I wanted to do a good job at replacing the old world systems not only would I have to unpack all those places where the old systems had been corrupted and debased, root the cancer out, and expose it to the healing light of day (a significant task all by itself) but I’d also have to provide an suitable alternative. And what’s more, since I wouldn’t want this alternative to be weak and susceptible to the same corruption and/or misinterpretation I had noted in all the others system, I’d have to be very careful. I wouldn’t be able to rely on two books or three books or even a dozen. If I wanted my system to be strong, if I wanted foundations that would last for generations and that would not be turned against us , I’d have to extremely thorough. I’d have to take time to check and recheck, define, specify, and make absolutely clear what I was talking at each and every step of the way. I’d have to link it all together and I’d have to build it into a spiritual edifice unlike anything the world has ever seen. My intent was to build an emancipatory spiritual system that freed us from the limitations of The System and put us back in touch with our true power and divinity and I would not make the same mistakes that had been made in the past. It would be a gargantuan task, and one that had never been undertaken before by any single world teacher (primarily, I think, because the technology simply didn’t exist before), but if I wanted to take the second road, it would have to be done.

So what path did I choose?

Well, since I’m now into my ninth or so book, with plans to write another half dozen (most of which are already in draft form), with an evolving SpiritWiki where I carefully specify every idea and term I use, and with this website which pulls it all together into the world’s first “open” system of mysticism and spirituality, broader in scope and more clearly specified than any of the old world systems you might care to mention, I guess you could say I chose the later path. I’ve been at it about ten years now and I have to say it has been a significant amount of work and unfortunately, I’m still not done. As of this writing (April 30/2010) I figure I’m about 70% of the way finished. I have the basic outline of the Lightning Path (as I call it) system in place, have written about 75% of the basic through advanced curricula, and have mapped out in my own mind the university level work I need to do. During this ten year period I have been involved in a rather intense field test of the system (complete with an informal survey and significant reader feedback) where I have seen it, even in its clumsy initial manifestations, heal everything from child sexual abuse to long term psychological depression and even, in a couple of instances, spiritual psychosis. During this time I’ve been operating forums and discussing with students the psychological and emotional impact of the Lightning Path in an ongoing attempt to tweak and refine both the curricula and its psychological, emotional, and spiritual effectiveness. Even now, in its still undeveloped form, it is shaping up to be a very powerful system of spirituality.

And why am I telling you all this?

Well you wanted to know more about me and there you have it. My name is Michael Sharp and I am building a new spiritual system that is totally self-contained, contains none of the justifications, hierarchies, exclusions, and disempowering archetypes of the old world, and that puts you (gradually and by safe degrees) in touch with the awesome light, power, and glory of your true inner divinity. It really is like nothing you’ve ever experienced before and if you’re ready to remove the blindfold and cast off the chains that bind, just scan your eyes over the left hand menu, click The Lightning Path, and start reading from there.

I am Michael Sharp

Welcome home!!