The next step – Lightning Path Overview –

Tagalog (Philippines)

What can a person say that hasn’t already been said about your website / materials? I stumbled on the site in a state of total despair and fear regarding the current and future affairs of the world. By the time I got to the end of the home page, the statement “And oh yes, welcome home” sort of put me over the edge I guess you could say. All the ugliness (stress, anxiety etc.) that had been accumulating for years sort of bubbled over (Wasn’t pretty.) Who knew the “total” meaning of “and the truth shall set you free”. Who knew the truth was so powerful?  How in the world can one live for 53 years on this earth, spending at least 40 of those years searching, and not know?? Unbelievable. I guess it is all in the timing.  Oh Well, this vehicle is AWAKE, ALERT and ALIVE now. And home. Thank You! William O. Hodge

Your next step is to click on the LP Core menu item and start reading. Underneath that menu item there is a study guide, a list of books (all of which are free at the LP Core level), a commentary section to help pull everything together, some additional articles, a listing of key concepts, and even a forum link where you can evaluate and comment on your experience with the LP core materials. Even at the LP Core level there is a lot of material to go, and some if it may be quite revolutionary for you, so please take the time you need to go through it. There is a real tendency for people, once they’ve “found” this material, to get excited and want to power through it all in as short a period of time as possible, but resist that urge! If you move to fast there is a risk you will miss some important information or commentary necessary for understanding the more advanced materials. Perhaps more important, if you move too fast the foundation that you are building for your own awakening and empowerment will be shaky and unsturdy and you may run the risk of it collapsing and you want to avoid that because a collapsing foundation can be difficult to repair and quite demotivating. So, take your time.

Also, while you walk this path, don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help or guidance. Depending on your spiritual background (or lack of it), this could amount to a revolutionary shift in your consciousness and world view. The forums are here for support and there is also a mentor option that you can avail yourself of if you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or if you just want to get the help you need to move a little faster.

Last Updated on Monday, 03 May 2010 16:29