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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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Hello and welcome to this article on ascension symptoms and spiritual awakening symptoms.
Now, before we get into a discussion of ascension symptoms , we need to make an important distinction. We need to distinguish between “awakening” (and awakening symptoms) and “ascension” (and ascension symptoms). Writers who write about “ascension symptoms” almost always get these two things confused telling you all about ascension symptoms when they are really talking about awakening symptoms. It’s not their failure. In truth, it is hard to distinguish ascension from awakening. The problem is, the two always occur together. These days, when you begin the process of awakening, you also begin the process of ascension. Conversely, when you begin the process of ascension, you also start to wake up. The two go hand in hand; but, they are different. So what’s the difference? Well, thankfully it is not rocket science. Spiritual awakening is essentially about returning your body to the full consciousness of your full spiritual light. When you awaken, your mind expands (think of it like a balloon expanding with light) to allow more of your higher consciousness in. You can also think of it via my Water Glass Metaphor. If you think of your body as an empty vessel (i.e. a water glass), and your consciousness as water in a jug, then awakening is filling up your body (i.e. your water glass) with your own conscious self (i.e. the water from the jug). Now, although the idea of awakening is easy to conceive, the process of awakening can be difficult. For reasons I outline elsewhere, awaking is often a challenging process. When you awaken, your body and mind clear emotions, clear karma, walks through fears, and generally shucks of a few thousand years of negative experience and programming. It’s this clearing process that provides the symptomontology of awakening and it’s this clearing process that most writers confuse for ascension. So what are the symptoms of this awakening/clearing process? Well, in the early stages of awakening you will probably experience one or more of the following symptoms which you may or may not understand.
Once you’re past the early stagesof awakening (which can take as long as a few months or as little as a few minutes) depending on a) your response to issues and blockages and b) your ability to control your awakening mind, then a longer period of integration begins. When this occurs, your awakenig symptoms will change. During this intermediate period you may experience one or more of the following “symptoms.”
I would also expect to see (as the intermediate stages progress)
Of course, your particular symptomatology of awakening may be slightly different. However, if you keep in mind that this awakening process is really about an expansion of consciousness and awareness, you should be able to fit your idiosyncratic constellation of symptoms in place.
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I should let you know that the awakening process (what I like to call The Great Awakening) can be halted at any time, usually as the result of disorientation, fear, and/or lack of understanding. That is, if you get scared or freaked, you’ll tend to stop the water flowing into the glass. If you do feel fear, you may want to come back and read this page again (just enter “Michael Sharp” in Google to find me again). Believe me, you have nothing to fear as you wake up. The problems will arise if you stay sleeping. Awakening can also be accelerated through intent. Simply say “I wish to awaken as fast as possible” and your process will accelerate. You can also ask for help with the process by simply asking your guides, the universe, or God for assistance. If you do require additional assistance, I recommend you spend some time browsing this website (start at the beginning). The entire corpus of writing here is dedicated to assisting you with both the ascension and the awakening process. And that’s a quit overview of spiritual awakening. There’s a lot more to be said, but the above commentary should at least orient you in the right direction.
So, what about ascension? What are the ascension symptoms that we are so concerned about? Well, ascension symptoms, or should I say “ascension symptom” because there is really only one ascension symptom, is a bit more subtle and hard to identify than awakening symptoms.The only and only ascension symptom there is revolves around your ability to “manifest” in the world. It comes down to this. As this planet ascends, your ability to manifest in the world becomes more powerful and pronounced. You are the creator of your world. That is, there is a direct correspondence between what is in your consciousness and what you find in your lived world. I like to express this basic spiritual truth with the following pithy aphorism.
As above in consciousness, So below in matter Now, up until recently, as I explain in The Book of Life and Dossier of the Ascension, we have all been cut off from our full spiritual power. The bottom line is, we haven’t been “manifesting” (a.k.a. creating) at full efficiency. So, “things” happened in our life at a relatively slow pace. However now, as the planet ascends (and as you ascend along with it), that is changing. With ascension comes a more direct influence over the physical world. You are becoming more powerful and as that happens, “things” are starting to occur at an accelerated pace around you? What kind of things? Well, that really depends on the state of your consciousness, which is (as I explain in my Book of Light) the source of everything around you. If your consciousness is all mucked up with fears, you’ll find those fears manifesting around you faster and faster. If you’re consciousness is all dark and confused, you’ll find the world becoming more confusing all the time. If you’re consciousness is full of hatred and spite, you’ll find yourself hurting others more often and with greater force. Yuck, and although it sounds like a lot of different ascension symptoms, it really just boils down to your enhanced ability to manifest. You’ll see this in your life. Even now you will notice that “stuff” is happening more and more around you, to you, and to others in your life. Scary thought. And this is just the beginning. As the ascension proceeds, as “the shift” happens, manifestation will continue to accelerate. Very soon, within a decade or so, creating on this world will be like using a hot carving knife to slice through butter. It won’t take much effort at all and you’ll be stuck with whatever consequences your careless use of the knife has wrought. Thus, as you see, the ascension symptom is basically evidence of our collective increase in power. You’ll become aware of it as either a perceived acceleration of time, or as the result of a growing chaos in your life or the life of those around you. If you see that, you’ll know ascension is occurring. Now there is a couple of things that I should say before closing this article. First of all, and this is most important, you don’t have to do anything to ascend. Ascension is not a personal thing. Ascension is not a moral thing. Ascension is not a question of your personal worthiness (or karma, or whatever). The bottom line is, ascension is not something that happens to the individual. Ascension is something that happens to the world and you are going to get taken along for the ride whether you like it or not. Second thing, as you begin the involuntary ascension process, you really need to get control of your consciousness and this involves not only purging any negative emotions, fear, or heavy heart blackness that you might be carrying around deep inside you (because you really don’t want that stuff exploding in your face), but you’ve also got to clear away any erroneous notions you have about life, the universe, and everything (because you don’t want erroneous and damaging notions corrupting the manifestation of your world). I mean, if you believe God is vengeful and judgmental, or that your government is out to get you under ascending energetic conditions, you just might manifest the conditions in heavily salient ways. And if you ask me, you really want to avoid that. With a few million people thinking the same way, it could get very ugly indeed. So my advice to you? Well, you will find that navigating The Ascension is easier if you also go through the awakening process. It might seem all mysterious and magical to you now, but once you remember who you are (i.e., once you awaken from your 30,000 year sleep), it will all make perfect sense to you. You have my word. So, if you’re feeling an “ascension symptom” or any of the multiple symptoms of awakening, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and step onto The Lightning Path of spiritual awakening. It is a short hop, skip, and jump from the increasing agitation and uneasiness you may be experiencing as part of your early stages of awakening and your dramatically increasing power over the world, tot he peace of mind and profound empowerment that comes from knowing…
Till next time I am Michael Sharp. Welcome home
Alt urls: ascension