Assigned Reading – Post Secondary – LP Secondary/post-secondary –

Tagalog (Philippines)

The following courses constitute the basic skeleton for the LP certificate.This is a tentative outline only and courses, course names, and the constitution of this certificate is subject to change prior to finalization of the certificate. Courses marked with an asterisk are currently available either as reading courses for site subscribers, or through my university as part of a credential. Although as a site subscriber you make take the courses as reading courses, there is no substitute for actually taking the course through my university. You may take these courses now for personal interest and apply them to your certificate when the certificate becomes available. Courses

  1. * Sociology 100 – Introduction to Sociology – Introduces the basic sociological concepts and ideas
  2. * Sociology 101 – Introduction to Social Movements – Social movements, ideology, indoctrination, the elite control of the masses, alternatives, and global resistances
  3. Sociology 2xx – Sociology of Religion and Spirituality – A look at the the social control functions of religion, spirituality, and esoteric networks.
  4. Sociology 2xx – Sociology of Stratification and Inequality – An examination of global stratification and inequality, globalization, and the extraction and accumulation of resources.
  5. Sociology 2xx – Sociology of Gender
  6. Psychology 2xx – An Introduction to LP Psychology – The basic psychology of the LP.
  7. Psychology 2xx – Developmental Psychology
  8. Psychology 3xx – Chakra Function and Chakra Pathology – A look at the impact of the suppression and oppression of The Physical Unit. What constitutes healthy functioning, and how to identify and treat chakra pathology.
Last Updated on Thursday, 17 June 2010 22:05