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  1. Technology-Enhanced Learning in Developing Nations: A review
    15Mar13 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  2. It’s the end of the world as we know it
    14Mar13 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  3. Racism and Hypocrisy: Celebrating Diversity–Just Not Among Humans
    7Mar13 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  4. Isolation and Connection in a Digital Village
    1Mar13 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  5. Capital and Computers – Observations on IT Innovation and Inequality
    19Feb13 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  6. Feynman’s Cosmic Onion
    4Feb13 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  7. Global Organizing Among Sex Workers
    4Feb13 • Erika Derkas • 6 comments
  8. Sapient Apes Ascendant: The Costs and Benefits of Human Agency
    24Jan13 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  9. When You’re Wrong…You’re Right? Stephen Hawking’s Implausible Defense of Determinism
    3Jan13 • Timothy McGettigan • 4 comments
  10. Evolution at the Speed of Thought
    30Dec12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  11. A Sociologist Looks at Violence
    15Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 26 comments
  12. How to Find to a New Job Faster
    12Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  13. Sensationalism of Sybil Dorsett
    12Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 4 comments
  14. Good Science: An Evolutionary Theory of Truth
    11Dec12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  15. Socjourn goes mobile
    7Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  16. Gendered Activities, gender difference, gender exclusion
    6Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 14 comments
  17. The Big Lie – Selfishness and Greed
    1Dec12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 18 comments
  18. Thanksgiving at Walmart: Strikers Plan a Nationwide Celebration for Black Friday
    21Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 3 comments
  19. God’s Loaded Dice: Einstein and the Death of Classical Reality
    20Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  20. Elementary My Dear Watson! The Beauty (and Baloney) of Being Right about Everything
    16Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  21. Women @ Work
    16Nov12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  22. It’s Alive!! Ray Kurzweil, AI, and Frankentelligence
    14Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  23. Sweet Revenge: Barack Obama and the Death of White Republican Privilege
    9Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 3 comments
  24. Queers Need Not Apply: The Boy Scouts of Amerika Continue to Disappoint
    7Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  25. False Gods and Monsters: The Terrible Costs of the Joe Paterno Cult at Penn State
    7Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  26. Many Worlds, but only One Reality: Stephen Hawking and the Determinist Fallacy
    5Nov12 • Timothy McGettigan • 3 comments
  27. It Takes a Village Idiot: Romney’s Artful Distortion of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Quote
    20Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  28. Putin’s Pussy Problem: From America with Love
    20Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  29. The Innocence of Muslims: Sam “The Imbecile” Bacile, Religious Freedom and Free Speech
    20Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  30. Artificial Intelligence: Is Watson the Real Thing?  
    20Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  31. Time Surfers: Problem-Solving as the Path to a Better, Brighter, but Unpredictable Future
    17Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 4 comments
  32. Teenage suicide, Amanda Todd, and new communication technology
    15Oct12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 5 comments
  33. Ward Churchill, the AAUP, and Academic Freedom
    10Oct12 • Timothy McGettigan • 3 comments
  34. Emotional Abuse
    24Sep12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 8 comments
  35. Participate in Sexual Assault Survey
    21Sep12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  36. The Future is a Fantasy: A 100YSS Presentation*
    15Sep12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  37. Get Your Geek On! The 100 Year Starship Symposium
    14Sep12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  38. Gender and Sexual Violence
    27Aug12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 6 comments
  39. RVing for a Cause: An Alternative Vacation at Best Friends
    17Aug12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  40. Zed Books – The End of Conceit
    16Aug12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  41. Say It Ain’t So, Joe: Another Sports Legend Bites the Dust
    27Jul12 • Timothy McGettigan • 3 comments
  42. Don’t Bother Apologizing for Joe Paterno
    27Jul12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  43. Fortnight Fiasco: Government Grants Freedom, Not God
    5Jul12 • Timothy McGettigan • 2 comments
  44. Charles Darwin: The Unlikely Revolutionary
    3Jul12 • Timothy McGettigan • 10 comments
  45. America Is Under Attack??
    20Jun12 • William Hathaway • 7 comments
  46. A Bungling Fox in the Henhouse: The Corporatization of Higher Education
    19Jun12 • Timothy McGettigan • 4 comments
  47. Feminism Sucks
    19Jun12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 13 comments
  48. Ayn Rand: The Blinkered Visionary
    16Jun12 • Timothy McGettigan • 8 comments
  49. No Justice for All
    12Jun12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 4 comments
  50. What is Creativity
    11Jun12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 8 comments
  51. The Corporate Welfare State & Growing Inequality in American Society
    7Jun12 • Dr. Owen Brown • 1 comment
  52. To Infinity and Beyond: New Frontiers in the Science Wars
    1Jun12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  53. Patriot’s Game
    30May12 • William Hathaway • 0 comments
  54. The High-Tech Sweatshop
    22May12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 4 comments
  55. Ding Dong the Alpha Male is Dead
    22May12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 5 comments
  56. Living the Dream: Transcending the Boundary between Sci-Fi and Reality
    22May12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  57. God, Darwin, and Sturgeon Heights School Division
    9May12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 3 comments
  58. The Arab Spring
    1May12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  59. Decolonizing Methodologies
    30Apr12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  60. The Graveyard of Empires: The Debacle that is the US Mission in Afghanistan
    22Apr12 • Timothy McGettigan • 5 comments
  61. Take the reader survey…
    20Apr12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  62. If Obama’s Not an American, Then Neither Are You
    7Apr12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  63. Airlines to Charge Passengers by the Pound
    6Apr12 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  64. Educating The Human – Capital or Capability?
    4Apr12 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 3 comments
  65. Elenchus?
    2Apr12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 3 comments
  66. The New World Order: Rush Limbaugh vs. Empowered Women in the 21st Century
    22Mar12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  67. The Last Days of the Lilliputians
    19Mar12 • William Hathaway • 46 comments
  68. The Moral and Empirical Decline of the GOP – Losing Touch With Reality, Economics, and Values
    8Mar12 • Dr. Owen Brown • 1 comment
  69. The Sacred and the Profane: Religion, Military Occupation, and Intolerance in the Age of Reason
    4Mar12 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  70. The emotional abuse of our children: Teachers, schools, and the sanctioned violence of our modern institutions.
    2Mar12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 33 comments
  71. Show a little respect…
    23Feb12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  72. Family is Fascism
    20Feb12 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 4 comments
  73. Socjourn Demystifies Sociology
    10Feb12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 54 comments
  74. A Book Review: Railroads in the African American Experience: A Photographic Journey (2010)
    8Feb12 • Dr. Owen Brown • 0 comments
  75. Good Science Trailer
    7Feb12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  76. Six myths about the foundations of modern education, and six new principles to replace them
    4Feb12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  77. “So what’s the deal with that?” – Observational Comedy and Sociology
    30Jan12 • Patrick Galea • 2 comments
  78. Redefining Reality: Seeing is Disbelieving
    24Jan12 • Timothy McGettigan • 9 comments
  79. And V for Victory it is…
    23Jan12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  80. National Academy of Science
    23Jan12 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  81. The Secret of North Korea is Within You
    13Dec11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 0 comments
  82. Smashing the Boundaries of Science
    9Dec11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  83. Definition Indigenous – The Politics of Indigeneity
    24Nov11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  84. To Student Loan or Not to Student Loan – That is The Question
    22Nov11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  85. Stock in Trade: Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work
    22Nov11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  86. Drug and Alchohol Rehab – The Cure for Alchoholism
    19Nov11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 9 comments
  87. Captain America, The All-American Drughead
    11Nov11 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  88. Business, Technology, and a Life Without
    10Nov11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  89. Awakening
    31Oct11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  90. Good Science for Social Research Methods
    27Oct11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  91. One World in 60 Seconds
    27Oct11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 3 comments
  92. Modern Misogyny – A personal review
    23Oct11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 0 comments
  93. Debt, debt, debt, the problem is debt.
    7Oct11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  94. Policing Sexuality
    6Oct11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  95. Right-wing Politics in the New Latin America
    3Oct11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  96. The Big Lie – Are Wars Inevitable?
    29Sep11 • William Hathaway • 4 comments
  97. Holy Megabucks, Batman! The Astounding Popularity of Superhero Films
    22Sep11 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  98. SPRINGTIME: The New Student Rebellions
    22Aug11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  99. Coming to (Digital) Terms: The Work of Art in the Age of Non-Mechanical Reproduction
    16Aug11 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  100. AI and IQ: The Right Answer to the Wrong Question
    14Jul11 • Timothy McGettigan • 4 comments
  101. Only 18,000 Jobs
    12Jul11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  102. There Be Dragons: Science as the Realization of Fantasy
    26Jun11 • Timothy McGettigan • 2 comments
  103. Conquering the Beast Within
    17Jun11 • Timothy McGettigan • 13 comments
  104. Socialization
    1Jun11 • rperrino • 1 comment
  105. He Said, She Said (At the Speed of Light!)
    31May11 • Tim Hutchcraft • 0 comments
  106. Facebook is a Spy Machine
    18May11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  107. iPad Delusions: The Curious Appeal of Workaround Computing
    11May11 • Timothy McGettigan • 8 comments
  108. Osama is Dead, but What Have We Learned?
    10May11 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  109. Our Readers
    2May11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  110. If Society is the Disease, is Cannabis the Cure?
    27Apr11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 5 comments
  111. Are you my “friend?”
    24Apr11 • Tim Hutchcraft • 3 comments
  112. Civil Society in times of crisis
    19Apr11 • Alex Afouxenidis • 0 comments
  113. Nuclear Nightmares: Damned Lies about the World’s “Safest” Energy Source
    7Apr11 • Timothy McGettigan • 27 comments
  114. Where No One Has Gone Before: Renewable Energy Frontiers and Obama’s Sputnik Moment
    6Apr11 • Timothy McGettigan • 2 comments
  115. It Couldn’t Happen to a Nicer Guy: The Final Days of the Gadhafi Regime in Libya
    5Apr11 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  116. Opening your eyes to the new Surveillance Networks
    5Apr11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  117. More God in America – Or More Money in God?
    30Mar11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 56 comments
  118. The Morphing of Obama
    22Mar11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  119. Wealth and Inequality in America
    8Mar11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  120. Pouring Gas on the Fire: Chavez Reaches out to Qaddafi
    4Mar11 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  121. Bill Gates is an Idiot: A Recipe for Educational Failure
    2Mar11 • Timothy McGettigan • 7 comments
  122. Better writing through intent
    28Feb11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 5 comments
  123. Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender and Ideology
    23Feb11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  124. Miracles in the Making: Information Technology and Middle East Populism
    22Feb11 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  125. What’s on your mind? Facebook, voluntary surveillance, and the global panopticon
    17Feb11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 6 comments
  126. R.I.P. Daniel Bell
    15Feb11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  127. The State of the Art: A Comprehensive Review of Textbooks in Social Problems
    15Feb11 • lutzkaelber • 0 comments
  128. Conscious Peace: World Peace Depends upon Our Collective Consciousness
    10Feb11 • William Hathaway • 3 comments
  129. R.I.P. David Noble
    2Feb11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  130. Survival of the Nice Guys
    30Jan11 • Avi Schroeder • 0 comments
  131. Calling a rose a rose
    21Jan11 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 4 comments
  132. The Game of Survival – Inequality Equations and Miss-Calculations
    17Jan11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 2 comments
  133. Why it is Impossible to be “A Good Person”
    16Jan11 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 5 comments
  134. Mall Culture and Identity in Malaysia
    7Jan11 • Rachel Suet Kay Chan • 2 comments
  135. How consumerism has enslaved us
    10Dec10 • Rachel Suet Kay Chan • 1 comment
  136. Sociology’s relation to business
    9Dec10 • Default • 2 comments
  137. The Problem of Child Labor in US Agriculture
    8Dec10 • execatl • 5 comments
  138. Rebel Rank and File
    6Dec10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  139. Social Model of Disability
    29Nov10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  140. Ask a Sociologist
    25Nov10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 1 comment
  141. HEY YOU!!!
    18Nov10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  142. Human Intelligence
    18Nov10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 7 comments
  143. Academic Education – A Waste of Space, Mind, Money and Time?
    11Nov10 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 8 comments
  144. SAMs for Uncle Sam
    3Nov10 • William Hathaway • 0 comments
  145. HIV/AIDS: Silent Victims or Silenced Victims: The Media Constructs the Message
    18Oct10 • BSilversides • Comments Off
  146. Are you a publisher?
    15Oct10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  147. Book Release – Feminism is Queer
    15Oct10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  148. The Performance of Adolescent Stigma
    12Oct10 • Colin and Sofia Schlossman • 2 comments
  149. Sociology of Science and Sociology as Science by Craig Calhoun
    7Oct10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  150. Take the reader survey
    6Oct10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  151. Corporations, Governments and Consumers – The Unholy Trinity of Inequality
    6Oct10 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 10 comments
  152. Got what it takes?
    5Oct10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  153. Comrades in Arms – Rape and Abuse in the U.S. Army
    4Oct10 • William Hathaway • 5 comments
  154. Sociologists in Iraq
    27Sep10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  155. Cultural Elite or Imperialist Justifications
    27Sep10 • Anna Brix Thomsen • 5 comments
  156. May the Fittest Survive: The National Academy of Sciences vs. Creationism
    14Sep10 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  157. Athletes and the ‘Club’: Nothing Good Ever Happens After Midnight
    14Sep10 • Earl Smith • 0 comments
  158. Embracing Change: Working Together to end the Cycle of Violence
    30Aug10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 21 comments
  159. Child Labour
    23Aug10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  160. Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful
    16Aug10 • Gerald Grow • 2 comments
  161. The Real War Heroes
    12Aug10 • William Hathaway • 0 comments
  162. Rocket Scientists Guide to Money and the Economy
    9Aug10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  163. A technological utopia?
    9Aug10 • KathleenSchwab • 0 comments
  164. Summer Snow
    30Jul10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  165. The Tenor Of Our Times
    29Jul10 • William Hathaway • 0 comments
  166. The Free Market That Never Was
    26Jul10 • Timothy McGettigan • 1 comment
  167. Where Are All the Women? How Traditional Structures of Academia Hinder Female University Professors.
    9Jul10 • Rachel Demerling • 1 comment
  168. Solving Social Problems
    30Jun10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  169. Searching For Paulo Freire: Classnotes For My Students
    24Jun10 • Amardo Rodriguez • 1 comment
  170. Capitalism 101: The Money Tree
    23Jun10 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  171. The Abuse Syndrome – learned helplessness in the face of global oppression
    22Jun10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 7 comments
  172. Sweatshops and Post-Industrial Society: Conflicting Contemporary Phenomena
    18Jun10 • Emily Jill Hodgson • 0 comments
  173. The University, Accountability, and Market Discipline in the Late 1990s
    10Jun10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 0 comments
  174. Colorado Stealth University
    7Jun10 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  175. The Business of Higher Education
    7Jun10 • Timothy McGettigan • 0 comments
  176. Functionalism 2.0 – Rethinking an America Tradition of Conservative Thought
    7Jun10 • SGerardi • 0 comments
  177. Giving up the grade
    17Mar10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 2 comments
  178. Competition is as competition does
    17Mar10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 5 comments
  179. Routines: Every Day a Groundhog Day?
    1Mar10 • Thomas J. Scheff • 0 comments
  180. Care Bears vs. Transformers: Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements
    17Feb10 • Dr. Monica Brasted • 21 comments
  181. Democracy’s Dirty Little Secret
    6Feb10 • Dr. Michael Sosteric • 4 comments