Category Commentary



When you look at the root words of sociology, you’ll see two words. The stem “socio” refers to societies of people and the suffix “logy” means the study of. Thus, sociology is the study of societies and the people who…

Footnote 31


Calculated from Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, AFL-CIO-CLC, Canadian District Council. Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 26-27, 1981 (mimeo); and, from CALURA. The 11 per cent figure is based on 112 of the 119…

Footnote 29


Calculated from CALURA, and Proceedings of the Second Meeting of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Canadian District Council, 12-13 May (1972), Ottawa. Gender could be determined for only 82 per cent of the delegates.

Footnote 2


See, in particular, Julie White, Mail and Female: Women and the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishers, 1990; and, Linda Briskin and Patricia McDermott (eds.), Women Challenging Unions: Feminism, Democracy and Militancy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press,…

Footnote 1


For example, see Alice Kessler-Harris, “Where Are The Organized Women Workers?”, Feminist Studies, 3 (1/2), Fall, pp. 92-110; and, Ruth Frager, “No Proper Deal: Women Workers and the Canadian Labour Movement, 1870-1940”, Pp. 44-66 in Linda Briskin and Lynda Yanz…