Category Uncategorized

Socialization | The Socjournal

We, especially those of us who live in North America, like to think we are stout individuals. We set our own course, navigate the waves, and actualize our potential. Like Bill Gates we are self made individuals, heroes or losers…

Cyber McCarthyism:
Witch Hunts in the Living Room

Richard Ling Telenor Research and Development [email protected] Abstract Many people are uneasy with the rapid spread of new forms of electronic communication and media such as the internet, video on demand, electronic agents, teletorg numbers (premium rate services), satellite TV,…

About the Author | Good Science

Tim McGettigan is a Professor of Sociology at Colorado State University – Pueblo. Tim’s primary research interests are in the areas of science, technology and the future, and Tim blogs about those topics at the following site: Socera. In addition, to…