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What’s So Cool About Good Science? | Good Science

Ever wonder what happened to postmodernism? Good Science explains why postmodernism went down in flames Where no one has gone before… NASA scientists have redefined reality by transforming humans from earth-dwellers into planet-hopping extra-terrestrials. Artificial Intelligence Scientists, such as Marvin…

Higher Education in Transition:
An Agenda for Discussion

Roberto Rodriguez Gomez Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad Coordinación de Humanidades Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mike Sosteric Department of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] Introduction Following the Second World War, higher education in Mexico began…

Cyberspace and Learning

Computers provide a capacious medium, promising the availability of an enormous quantity of resources at our fingertips. As a result, human memory has been extended with digital media from a basic unit of portable dissemination of 100,000 words (an average…

A Comment on Fox

Carl H.A. Dassbach Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University I confess that, with few exceptions, reading anything POMO makes me angry – angry because reading an incomprehensible text is a waste of my time, angry because contempt for the…