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Policing Sexuality | The Socjournal

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Oct 06, 2011 | Comments 0 In a moment when state policies seeking to regulate sexual expression have emerged under many cultural and religious banners, affecting a wide range of sexual subjects, Julian Lee gives us…

Darwin | The Socjournal

As a sociologist I often get heartburn listening to others talk about evolution. As every sociology student knows, from the time Herbert Spencer first coined his “survival of the fittest,” Darwin’s thoughts have been used, misused, and exploited in service…

elenchus | The Socjournal

Please consider registering guest Log In Register Select Forum Classroom Controversy Good Science Unit 1 – Definitional Dialogue Unit 2 – Opportunistic Corruption Unit 3 – Superstition, Violence, Intoler… Unit 4 – Emergent Revelations Unit 5 – Meet the New…

Featured Articles | The Socjournal – Part 3

Is it really possible to have 800 “friends.” Does connecting through FaceBook really mean you’re connected in life? Or does the proliferation of one-click social media really represent the emasculation OF human social contact? Like the reduction of human marriage…

Drug Rehab Program | The Socjournal

Here are two books that bring the notion of drug and alcohol rehab and treatment into personal control and away from expensive treatment centers. Both books eschew moralistic therapies that focus on character weakness or genetics and instead focus on…