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Photolog | The Socjournal

Truth, justice, and the North American way? Not for these children. In fact, globally one child dies of hunger related illnesses every 15 seconds and one in six children are involved in some form of child labour or child exploitation.…

Robert S. Dornsife | The Socjournal

Aug 16th, 2011 | By Timothy McGettigan Despite this author’s reliance on EPMO, the work represented here is quite interesting. The author is basically issuing a challenge to our academic notions of plagiarism. In a digital work where it is…

Our Readers | The Socjournal

| Cite [hide academic citations] AMA citation: Sosteric D. Our Readers. The Socjournal. 2011. Available at: Accessed March 6, 2012. APA citation: Sosteric, Dr. Michael. (2011). Our Readers. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from The Socjournal Web site, Chicago…

External Authors | The Socjournal

Apr 5th, 2011 | By Dr. Michael Sosteric Now here’s a kick in the head. They know where you are. And by “they” I mean everybody. Anybody with even a minimum online presence in today’s surveillance/social networks leaves a global…