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Summer Snow – The Socjournal

In an era of constant war and aggression, William T. Hathaway provides a peaceful breathe of air. An awesome book for any social science educator wanting to present a fresh and alternative view to the constant media hype about war,…

Submission Guide – The Socjournal

The Socjourn is a new media sociology journal. We accept submissions from sociologists, graduate students, and multidisciplinary practitioners with an interest in sociology and its issues. The Socjourn is looking for researchers, students, and instructors who are also writers.  Writing…

The cure for alchoholism – The Socjournal

[amazonify]0976247909:right[/amazonify]Two books that I have recently read deserve attention today. One is My Way Out and the other is The Cure for Alcoholism. Both are great books and both detail a pharmacological cure for alcoholism. I know that if you…