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Survival of the Nice Guys « The Socjournal

A Threat to the Species? Darwin’s 1859 groundbreaking theory of Natural Selection presented in The Origin of Species is widely accepted by the scientific community. The basics of this theory are that favorable heritable traits become more common in successive…

Survival of the Nice Guys « The Socjournal

A Threat to the Species? Darwin’s 1859 groundbreaking theory of Natural Selection presented in The Origin of Species is widely accepted by the scientific community. The basics of this theory are that favorable heritable traits become more common in successive…

The Socjournal » Gerald Grow

August 16th, 2010 Visit Gerald at Introduction You are watching network television. It is late evening, the time of Dallas and Falconcrest. Even more suddenly than most commercials begin, a gorgeous model appears on the screen, looking directly at…

HEY YOU!!! « The Socjournal

Shout it out loud Do you wanna do something useful with your expensive education? Wanna reach beyond the boundaries (or is that bindings) of your academic indoctrination? Wanna reach out with your sociological wisdom and touch the world? Fancy yourself…

HEY YOU!!! « The Socjournal

Shout it out loud Do you wanna do something useful with your expensive education? Wanna reach beyond the boundaries (or is that bindings) of your academic indoctrination? Wanna reach out with your sociological wisdom and touch the world? Fancy yourself…