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Contact – The Socjournal

[view academic citations] [hide academic citations] AMA citation: [no last name] [no initial]. Contact. The Socjournal. 2010. Available at: Accessed July 14, 2010. APA citation: [no last name], [no first name]. (2010). Contact. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from The…

The Socjournal » Gender

Jul 9th, 2010 | By Rachel Demerling The penetration of women into academe is growing, but at what cost? Babies get in the way and require valuable time away from a job that otherwise requires intense attachment and commitment, and…

The Socjournal» admin

June 30th, 2010 Announcing a New Book Series Series Editor: Bonnie Berry, Director of the Social Problems Research Group, USA Write a book, change the world. Solving Social Problems provides a forum for the description and measurement of social problems,…

The Socjournal » Political Economy

Jul 9th, 2010 | By Rachel Demerling The penetration of women into academe is growing, but at what cost? Babies get in the way and require valuable time away from a job that otherwise requires intense attachment and commitment, and…

Courses – The Socjournal

[view academic citations] [hide academic citations] AMA citation: [no last name] [no initial]. Courses. The Socjournal. 2010. Available at: Accessed July 14, 2010. APA citation: [no last name], [no first name]. (2010). Courses. Retrieved July 14, 2010, from The…