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To Sociological Research Online

Sociological Research Online, the first fully refereed sociology journal to be published on the Internet….Sociological Research Online is produced by a consortium of the British Sociological Association, the Universities of Surrey and Stirling and SAGE Publications, under the aegis of…

Physician Interventions in the Dying Process: A Causal Model of Physician Attitudes and the Subjective Likelihood of Engaging in Active Euthanasia, Physician-Assisted Suicide, and Withholding Treatment to Terminally-Ill Patients

Neil J. MacKinnon, PhD* Department of Sociology & Anthropology University of Guelph Jeffery D. Molson, BSc, BEd College Heights Secondary School Guelph, Ontario J. Douglas May, MD Oncology and Palliative Program Cambridge Memorial Hospital Cambridge, Ontario * Direct all correspondence…