Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Milan Zafirovski University of North Texas [email protected] Abstract The equation of human rational behavior with instrumentalist, especially economic, rationality represents the hallmark of the economic or rational choice approach. The latter imports, makes explicit and extends orthodox economics’ implicit conception…
Andreas Schneider Texas Tech University Abstract What are the most appropriate ways to gauge cross-cultural differences? This paper develops a methodological tool where gender serves as a intra-cultural standard of comparison for the analysis of cross-cultural differences. I present a…
Will Kalkhoff Kent State University Abstract Work on delinquent and violent subcultures in criminology has focused on the relationship between holding values (attitudes, beliefs, etc.) in support of delinquency or violence and actual involvement in these activities. However, empirical research…
Computers provide a capacious medium, promising the availability of an enormous quantity of resources at our fingertips. As a result, human memory has been extended with digital media from a basic unit of portable dissemination of 100,000 words (an average…
William Cummings University of South Florida Abstract This article argues that world-systems theory commits itself to analyses whose form and content is shaped by its own choice of explanatory metaphors. After considering metaphor in academia in general, analysis proceeds from…
Nadejda Stahovski It is well known that the contents of a series of fundamental concepts handled by social- human sciences is quite controversial in the works of reference. Any dictionary of sociology or cultural anthropology would offer us the picture…
Reinald Dbel Institut fuer Soziologie Scharnhorststr Introduction This essay was written back in 1995, as a compilation of a partly improvised speech delivered to an audience of students and lecturers at the University of Muenster in Germany. The occasion was…
François Larose Faculty of Education University of Sherbrooke Robert David Faculty of Education University of Sherbrooke Jean-Marie Dirand Faculty of Applied Sciences University of Sherbrooke Thierry Karsenti Faculty of Education UQAH Vincent Grenon Faculty of Science University of Sherbrooke Sylvain…
Mark P. Worrell Kansas City Art Institute University of Kansas Abstract The structure and logic of paleoconservative ideology is critically interrogated by focusing on the economic, cultural, and political dimensions of Buchananism and locating the phenomenon within the context of…
Mike Sosteric Department of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] Hello and welcome to Volume Four, and year five, of the Electronic Journal of Sociology (EJS). As you can see if you’ve had a look around, we have significantly…