Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Mike Sosteric Department of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] Mike Gismondi Department of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] Gina Ratkovic Department of Sociology University of Alberta [email protected] NOTE: All authors contributed equally to this project. Abstract…
Janet Atkinson-Grosjean Interdisciplinary Studies University of British Columbia [email protected] Abstract The article describes a preliminary study of a western Canadian university’s” research awareness campaign” and links it to the parallel appointment of a new president with a strong” public affairs”…
Mike Sosteric Department of Global and Social Analysis Athabasca University [email protected] Abstract This article examines the political economy of scholarly publication. After briefly outlining the contours of the current crises in the scholarly communication system, the article goes on to…
Carl H.A. Dassbach Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University I confess that, with few exceptions, reading anything POMO makes me angry – angry because reading an incomprehensible text is a waste of my time, angry because contempt for the…
Carl H.A. Dassbach Department of Social Sciences Michigan Technological University Abstract This paper examines two trends in the restructuring of North American automobile production during the last 20 years: the export of productive activities or globalization and the return of…
Osher Doctorow Formerly California State Universities and Community Colleges (Mathematics) [email protected] Abstract Introduction Thomas J. Fararo’s (2000) review of theoretical sociology reveals extraordinary complications in theoretical sociology in the twentieth century – complications largely concerned with differences in mathematical approaches…
Kristin Natalier Abstract It is often claimed that relationship forms and expectations have changed in late modernity. To date, these possibilities have most usually been studied with regard to cohabiting sexual partners. However there are other domestic sites in which…
David Crawford University of Western Sydney [email protected] Abstract The topic of how young males become men is a frequent topic in popular writings on masculinity, in contrast to academic discourses that rarely raise the issue. Popular writers such as Steve…
Jessie L. Krienert Illinois State University [email protected] Abstract Using a sample of newly incarcerated offenders in Nebraska, this study analyzes self-report data at the event level to examine the effects of masculine traits on violent and avoided violent situations1 .…
Norman Dubeski Dundas, Ontario Canada Abstract Emile Durkheim was one of the greatest advocates of the principles of moral collectivism and altruism. He maintained that society was a moral reality onto itself and that society was the sole determinant of…