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Electronic Journals: The Grand Information Future?

KEYWORDS: ELECTRONIC JOURNALS; POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING; CRISES IN SCHOLARLY PUBLICATION This article examines the political economy of scholarly publication. After briefly outlining the contours of the current crises in the scholarly communication system, the article goes on to…

Hate on the Net

KEYWORDS: CYBERHATE; RACISM; NATIONALISM; NAZI; INTER-ETHNIC CONFLICT; INVALIDATION MYTHS; INTERNET; HATE MONGERING; HUMAN RIGHTS; HOMOSEXUALITY This paper will attempt to demonstrate that cyberhate messages promoted on the Internet by organized political and religious hate groups incite hatred and promote harmful…

File Remote – sosteric.article.1998.html

– Abstract     – Introduction     – The Service University and Market Discipline     – Accountability     – Changing Demographics     – The Changing Classroom     – Commodification, Colonization, and Discipline     – Corporate Boards of Governors?     – Counterpoints – EndNotes – References

Illusions of Excellence and the Selling of the University

KEYWORDS: COMMODIFICATION; COMMERCIALISATION; HIGHER EDUCATION; MARKET PENETRATION; NEOLIBERAL IDEOLOGIES; PUBLIC AWARENESS The article describes a preliminary study of a western Canadian university’s “research awareness campaign” and links it to the parallel appointment of a new president with a strong “public…

The Hypertext MarkupLanguage

Jeff Barry Cooperative Information Services Librarian The University of Tennessee Libraries Knoxville, TN 37996. [email protected]. The World-Wide Web initiative originated with the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in 1989 as an attempt to electronically distribute the literature of high-…

Proulx and Campbell – The Professional Practices of Faculty and the Diffusion of Computer Technologies in University Teaching

Michelle Proulx Department of Sociology McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario. Canada [email protected] Brian Campbell Department of Sociology and Anthropology Mount Allison University Sackville, New Brunswick. Canada [email protected] © 1997 Electronic Journal of Sociology Document hits Abstract The adoption of computer assisted…

Electronic Journal of Sociology: Volumes

Yuliang Liu What Does Research Say about the Nature of Computer-mediated Communication: Task-Oriented, Social-Emotion-Oriented, or Both? [HTML] Jason Powell and M. Edwards Policy Narratives of Aging: The Right Way, the Third Way or the Wrong Way? [HTML] Herb Thompson Cyberspace…