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EJANZH: Software Sites for Historians

Agency for Instructional Technology “AIT products include video programming, interactive videodiscs, computer software, CD-ROMs, and supporting print. AIT materials, which comprise 40% of all broadcast video classroom programming in the U.S. and Canada, are used on six continents, reaching…

EJANZH: Subject Index

The North Queensland Oral History Project commenced in 1979 with the award of a major Australian Research Council Grant to the late Professor Brian J. Dalton and Dr Henry Reynolds. Since that time it has continued on a reduced scale…

EJANZH: Graeme Dunstall reviews John E. Martin

John E.Martin, Holding the Balance. A History of New Zealand’s Department of Labour 1891-1995, Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, 1996, 478 pp. Reviewed by Graeme Dunstall, Department of History, University of Canterbury. New Zealand’s Department of Labour has been a pivotal…

EJANZH: Peter Pierce reviews David Young

Making Crime Pay. The Evolution of Convict Tourism in Tasmania by David Young; Tasmanian Historical Research Association: Hobart, 1996, pp 208, rrp $20. ISBN 0 909479 16X. Reviewed by Peter Pierce, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, James Cook University…

EJANZH: Neville on Long

Chris Long, Tasmanian photographers 1840-1940. A Directory. Tasmanian Historical Research Association & Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 1995. Reviewed by Richard Neville. The compilers of lists engage upon an ill- rewarded task. General readers are thankful for the effort, but…

EJANZH: McGregor on Mabo

Mabo: A Judicial Revolution: The Aboriginal Land Rights Decision and its Impact on Australian Law . Edited by M.A. Stephenson and Suri Ratnapala. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 1993. xvii + 225. $29.95. By Russell McGregor, James Cook University.…