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EJANZH: Heyward reviewed by Brooklyn

Michael Heyward, The Ern Malley Affair, University of Queensland Press, 1993. Reviewed by Bridget Brooklyn. The way a society responds to or uses art and culture during wartime usually gives us insights into the normal, peacetime life of that society.…

EJANZH: McGregor review of Prentis

Malcolm D. Prentis, Science, Race & Faith: A Life of John Mathew, 1849-1929, Sydney: Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity, 1998, pp.240. ISBN Reviewed by Russell McGregor Insofar as John Mathew is remembered today, it’s for his studies of…

Caroline Daley Reviews Hess and Stewart

Rob Hess and Bob Stewart, eds. More Than A Game: An Unauthorised History of Australian Rules Football Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1998. 304 pp. Illustrations, notes and index. $A29.95 (paper). ISBN 0-522-84772-2. Reviewed By Caroline Daley When I attended my…

EJANZH: Oliver Reviews Hearn and Knowles

Mark Hearn and Harry Knowles, One Big Union. A History of the Australian Workers Union 1886-1994. Melbourne, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Pp xiii+ 377. Illustrated, Appendix, Index, $29.95 paperback. Reviewed by Bobbie Oliver. ‘One Big Union’ is an apt title…

EJANZH: Martyr on Phillips and Davies

D Phillips, S Davies (eds), A Nation of Rogues? Crime, law and punishment in colonial Australia, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1994. Reviewed by Philippa Martyr I like history which not only informs, but entertains. This is not in the least…