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EJANZH: Irish Ribbonmen in Tasmania

Mel Keenan The following study sets out to sketch the profile of the average ribbon transportee to Tasmania by investigating those convicts who advised the Tasmanian authorities that they had been transported for offences relating to “ribbonism”. The University of…

EJANZH: Greason Article

By David Greason ** ‘The Party system of Government can play little part, if any, in the struggle for real democracy. In principle, it is the antithesis of democracy.’ Eric D. Butler, The Money Power versus Democracy, 1940. ‘A recent…

EJANZH: Smith on Clark

An Australian Democrat: The Life, Work, and Consequences of Andrew Inglis Clark. Edited by Marcus Haward and James Warden. Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies, University of Tasmania. 282 pp. Price: $A30.00 post-free in Australia, $A35.00 if posted elsewhere. Orders to:…

EJANZH: Davis Article

After its election in 1984, the New Zealand Labour Government of David Lange inspired the ALP Left, bitterly resentful of the Hawke Labor government’s abandonment of the party’s anti-nuclear policies, by its refusal to accept potentially nuclear American warships. Later…