Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Richard Brockett, University of Queensland I was drawn into the Country Party in my youth … In those days its principles, as expressed in its original policy booklet, coincided with the principles I had been brought up on. The infrastructure…
A Reply to Richard Ely’s review of Believing in Australia, by Hilary Carey Religious historians are, in my experience, an exceptionally polite and generous group. In fact, during my current term as editor of the Journal of Religious History, I…
The First Phase – February 1992 to March 1996 by Sean Brawley (1). History teaches us where we have been and teaches us to learn from our mistakes. History can also be selectively quoted to suit a particular agenda and…
Hilary Carey, Believing in Australia: A Cultural History of Religions, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1996, xviii + 270. A$ 27.95. Reviewed by Richard Ely, Department of History, University of Tasmania. Carey states that the basic intention of this ‘nonspecialist’ study…
Frank Bongiorno, The People’s Party: Victorian Labor and the Radical Tradition, 1875-1914. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1996. 268 pp. Endnotes, bibliography, index. A$24.95 (paper), ISBN 0 522847382. Reviewed by Robert W. Cherny, [email protected], Department of History, San Francisco State University.…
D. W. A. Baker, Preacher, Politician, Patriot: A Life of John Dunmore Lang. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1998. 222 pp. Short note on sources, index. A29.95 (paper), ISBN 05223 848222. Reviewed by Richard Ely, [email protected], School of History and Classics,…
By Paul Turnbull, Department of History and Politics, James Cook University of North Queensland, P.O. Q4811. I. Returning Ancestors. On 30 September 1991 the Senatus Academicus, the governing body of the university of Edinburgh, formally gave nearly 300 osteological specimens…
Eric Aarons, What’s Left? Memoirs of an Australian Communist, Ringwood, Victoria (Penguin), 1993, pp. xi + 260, n.p. Reviewed by Richard Davis, History Department, University of Tasmania. Is a book on Australian Communism still of interest? In fact it is…
Dr P J Martyr, Department of Nursing, University of Tasmania The two main unorthodox contributors to the development of rehabilitative practices before the Great War were electrotherapy and massage. These were only two of the many healing therapies available to…
Submission Guidelines and Editorial Policy Articles, conference papers and reviews of books or hypermedia must be submitted in electronic format, either as a file attached to an email message, or by post on PC readable disk. We do not accept…