Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Trevor McLaughlin (ed), Irish Women in Colonial Australia, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1998, pp xvi + 229, illus. $24.95 pb. Reviewed By Brian Dickey. We used to say after a hard day in the bowels of the NSW State Library’s…
Fernand Braudel, A History of Civilisations, Penguin Books, 1995. Reviewed by Norman Etherington, History Department, University of Western Australia. This is the last of the major works of Fernand Braudel to be translated into English. Originally published in 1963, it…
Ken Gelder and Jane M. Jacobs, Uncanny Australia: Sacredness and Identity in a Postcolonial Nation, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1998. ISBN 0522 848168. xvii + 163pp. $24.95. Pb. Reviewed by Ben Goldsmith In this concise and readable book, Ken Gelder…
Review of John MacGibbon, Going Abroad. The MacGibbon family and other early Scottish emigrants to Otago and Southland, Wellington: John MacGibbon, 1997. 231pp. ISBN: Reviewed by Tom Brooking. John MacGibbon shows other family historians how it should be done in…
Behind Barbed Wire: Internment in Australia during World War II. By Margaret Bevege. University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia 1993. Ppxx + 314. $29.95 paper. Reviewed by Diane Menghetti During the Second World War Australia returned to its traditional role…
Home: Teaching Resources:Service records We are currently working on how to allow you to download these records, so that you can easily import them into a database constructed with one of several commercially available software packages. However, for the time…
Raphael Cilento, a Biography. Fedora Gould Fisher, University of Queensland Press, 1994 ISBN 0-7022-2438-3 Price A$34-95. Reviewed by Joe Morrissey. This biography provides a taste of the subject without totally satisfying the appetite. In a meticulously documented account of the…
By Rodney Sullivan and Dawn May, School of History and Politics, James Cook University. An analysis of a clash between townspeople and a band of itinerant works in Cairns in 1932 provides a window on an incident which not only…
Dr Steve Mullins, Department of Humanities, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, 4702. July One is without doubt the most important date in the Torres Strait calender. Indeed it might be said that for most of the past century Torres Strait Islanders…
Glenn A. Davies The post of Gold Commissioner was never a sinecure on the Queensland tropical frontier. The population of the Charters Towers gold fields in the early 1870s included many miners who had followed the gold rushes northward from…