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The Devil’s Picture Book | The Socjournal

Download Citation Abstract Please take a moment to complete this survey on public understanding and awareness of the Tarot deck. It should take less than two minutes to complete. The survey is part of Michael Sosterics Athabsca University Sociology of…

technology | The Socjournal

I tend to agree with Karl Popper far more than I disagree. Nevertheless, I diverge from Popper over his under-specification of truth (BTW: I work out the particulars of this argument in much greater detail in a forthcoming book, Good…

class war | The Socjournal

Here is an assignment/essay by a student in my Sociology 460 Technology course. I’m including it here because of the great way this student highlights the ambivalent impact of technology on our lives. As he clearly identifies, it is not…

Feynman’s Cosmic Onion | The Socjournal

Download Citation Timothy McGettigan Albert Einstein believed that the universe was created by a rational god; a god who would never presume to play dice with his precious creation. Einstein’s belief in a rational, knowable universe was rooted in a…