Category Uncategorized

Book Reviews : The Socjournal

History is written by the winners, that is certainly true. Living in a nation of “winners” we never hear the stories of those who lose. We exalt those who are triumphant, tell their stories, and forget the pain and the…

Dr. Mike Sosteric |

Recently I decided to do some work on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is of course an “open” knowledge commons, but there are still difficulties getting involved. I found the Wiki community, for example, to be quite resistant to scholarly intervention. This…

The Arab Spring : The Socjournal

A refreshing, thoughtful and historical reading of the dramatic changes sweeping the Arab world.’ Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst, Al Jazeera [amazon_enhanced asin=”1780322232″ container=”div” container_class=”bookbox” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]For well over a year now, the dramatic, revolutionary unfolding of…

Feynman’s Cosmic Onion : The Socjournal

Albert Einstein believed that the universe was created by a rational god; a god who would never presume to play dice with his precious creation. Einstein’s belief in a rational, knowable universe was rooted in a “clockwork” scientific philosophy that…