Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Dr. Michael Sosteric | Aug 16, 2012 | Comments 0 He is a refreshing admission of failure. Western social thought sucks and has failed to provide solutions to any “of our most pressing domestic social and economic issues.” Well duh.…
by Lysa Taylor for English 306 A distraught girl lay helplessly on the psychiatrist’s mustard yellow couch. She was shaking as tears stained her milky white skin. The psychiatrist, Dr. Wilbur, picked up a tiny sculpture of a horse and…
History is written by the winners, that is certainly true. Living in a nation of “winners” we never hear the stories of those who lose. We exalt those who are triumphant, tell their stories, and forget the pain and the…
Recently I decided to do some work on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is of course an “open” knowledge commons, but there are still difficulties getting involved. I found the Wiki community, for example, to be quite resistant to scholarly intervention. This…
Introduction In light of recent atrocities against sex workers including, the serial killings of prostitutes in Ipswitch England and the gang rape of an exotic dancer by lacrosse players in United States, the issues of safety, dignity, and violence, both…
A refreshing, thoughtful and historical reading of the dramatic changes sweeping the Arab world.’ Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst, Al Jazeera [amazon_enhanced asin=”1780322232″ container=”div” container_class=”bookbox” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]For well over a year now, the dramatic, revolutionary unfolding of…
As Darwin pointed out in the The Origin of Species (1859), species often exhibit enormous variation. Darwin was a pigeon breeder and described at length the astounding variation that, with the help of artificial selection, pigeon breeders had succeeded in cultivating in…
If the messages that are embedded in folklore mean anything, then until very recently humans were terrified of the natural environment (Grimm, et. al., 1915). In many cases, the scariest part of folk tales involves foolish individuals–often kids, in order…
War!? What is it good for? Taking stuff from others. Say it again. Oh, ah. Well, enough with the homage to Frankie who was in Hollywood in the 80s. War is another one of those ideological hot buttons, like greed,…
Albert Einstein believed that the universe was created by a rational god; a god who would never presume to play dice with his precious creation. Einstein’s belief in a rational, knowable universe was rooted in a “clockwork” scientific philosophy that…