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The Big Lie : The Socjournal

The Big Lie is an article series that questions the ideology of science and technology as it is used and abused to justify and excuse. From improper use of evolutionary theory to media misuse of scholarly research  and even into…

gender scripts : The Socjournal

We all see the world through eyes colored by the psychological imposition of gender. Girls are girls and boys are boys and never the twain shall meet. We think what we see is natural reality, but is it really? Sociologists…

Dr. Mike Sosteric | The Real Story

Start from the bottom and read backwards. If you want to contact me, otherwise…. Did an internal presentation for Athabasca University outlining the pedagogy and theory behind The Socjourn, and how it can be used to attract students, expand enrollments,…

Socialization : The Socjournal

We, especially those of us who live in North America, like to think we are stout individuals. We set our own course, navigate the waves, and actualize our potential. Like Bill Gates we are self made individuals, heroes or losers…