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Classroom Controversy | The Socjournal

Here is an assignment/essay by a student in my Sociology 460 Technology course. I’m including it here because of the great way this student highlights the ambivalent impact of technology on our lives. As he clearly identifies, it is not…

Future Thought | The Socjournal

Of interest to Sociologists and students is the possibility of technology to break down class barriers. Here’s an interesting paper from the journal IRRODL that discusses the revolutionary potential of “technology enhanced learning” in developing nations. Food for thought, especially…

Our Readers | The Socjournal

Here is a basic demographic breakdown of you, our reader. As you can see, you are about equally male and female. You are also highly educated and (since the Socjourn is critical, controversial, and innovative), critical, controversial, and innovative.You’re looking…

The Big Lie | The Socjournal

Ah the power of the media. The power itself is not a problem. The problem is the “masses” often don’t get just how powerful it is. Here is a student essay providing evidence of the incredible power of the media…

The Arab Spring | The Socjournal

A refreshing, thoughtful and historical reading of the dramatic changes sweeping the Arab world.’ Marwan Bishara, senior political analyst, Al Jazeera [amazon_enhanced asin=”1780322232″ container=”div” container_class=”bookbox” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]For well over a year now, the dramatic, revolutionary unfolding of…

Women @ Work | The Socjournal

Dr. Michael Sosteric | Nov 16, 2012 | Comments 1 Women @ work? Progress has been made, but more work needs to be done. Women still fall short in top level CEO positions and are conspicuously absent in certain industries…