A couple thoughts:

I have been having an ongoing dialog with another LP people on Forgiveness.

I also asked Michael if the LP teaches forgiveness and he said, yes we teach forgiveness. but we don’t force it. i just don’t think it is fair to ask the victim of childhood pedophilia to just “forgive” the attacker. That must come naturally and probably only after the attacker themselves have owned up to their crime, and taken steps to deal with the fallout. and if they don’t forgive, that’s fine. that’s not a requirement. what’s important though is even if forgiveness is not forthcoming, we don’t engage in punitive retribution. never an eye for an eye. Always we move towards healing. we definitely do teach to UNDERSTAND however. like I said in that thread, it is very important to understand why people act like that in order to be able to heal and prevent it from happening in the fugure.

make sense?

I hear people say that they ‘forgive you’ all the time. I don’t know if most people know -really know- what real forgiveness is. I can’t say the words if I don’t mean them. And that’s the way I am. The way I understand forgiveness is when all the anger and resentment is worked out of your mind and body, howver you chose to work on the issues, when it is all released and no negativity left, whats left is love and understanding. My problem is how does a person forgive when they are being constantly bombarded with negativity? In the case of the victim of a pedofile, lets change it to a victim and a perpetrator never comes forward and society keeps sweeping their hrsesht under the rug adn the perpetrator continues on with their dishonest behavior because society has enabled them to do so which continues to cause many to suffer. How would the victim forgive? Not allowing a person to process their anger and resentment so that they can forgive be considered a “Sin” in itself? Does the inability to forgive, keep spirit from entering your body? does it increase dysjuncture? I understand why the perpetrators did what they did. I get that. Its forgiving them when they continue to assault that is hard to do. We banish them so that their actions will no longer affect you? I am afraid that there is no answer.