EJANZH: Editorial Board

Associate Professor Paul Turnbull
Dr Alan Mayne
Dr. Philippa Martyr
Professor Paul Bourke
Dr. Caroline Daley
Professor Norman Etherington
Associate Professor Diane Menghetti
Dr David Rooney
Dr Andrew Hassam
Dr Frank Poyas

Associate Professor Paul Turnbull
( [email protected])
Paul Turnbull has published numerous articles and short monographs in the fields of eighteenth-century British historiography and the history of physical anthropology. He has over fifteen-years teaching experience at Macquarie and James Cook Universities. Since 1993 he has conducted classes for advanced and postgraduate students on computers and electronic information technologies in history teaching and research. He is the founding editor of H-ANZAU, H-Net, the On-line Network for the Humanities, and currently a member of H-net’s Executive Committee

Conventional mail:

The Centre for Cross-Cultural Research
Australian National University
ACT 0200

Dr Alan Mayne ( [email protected])
Alan Mayne is internationally recognised for his work on comparative urban history, public health and the history of immigration. He has over fifteen-years teaching experience at the University of Queensland, Cambridge and the University of Melbourne. He has pioneered the integration of computing and the use of new information technologies in history teaching. He is a staff member of H-Net and editor of H-Urban, H-Net’s list for comparative study of urban history. He is also a founding editor of H-ANZAU. Among his current projects is the construction of a WWW-based resource for teaching Australian and urban history.

Conventional mail:

Department of History, University of Melbourne
Parkville VIC 3052 AUSTRALIA 

'Phone: 61 3 344 5975
Fax:   61 3 344 7894<

Editorially Advisory Board:

Professor Paul Bourke ( [email protected])
Professor Bourke is one of Australia’s most distinguished historians. He is Professor and Head of the Division of History of Historical Studies, Australian National University. A past president and long serving executive member of the Australian Historical Association, he is internationally known for his publications in the field of American Political History, and for his research on modes of evaluating research outcomes. He has been an an active supporter of the use of new information technologies by the historical profession, and in recent publications has sought critically to assessment the historiographical implications of new information technologies.

Dr. Caroline Daley ( [email protected])
Dr Daley is a lecturer in New Zealand history at the University of Auckland. A recent graduate of Victoria University in Wellington, she specialises in women’s and gender history, while also teaching more general courses on New Zealand’s social history. In 1996 she will also team teach a graduate course in comparative New Zealand and Australian history. A founding editor of H-NZ-OZ (now H-ANZAU), she is also the book review editor of The New Zealand Journal of History and a member of the New Zealand committee of the International Federation for Research in Women’s History. Her most recent publication was a co-edited volume with Melanie Nolan, Suffrage and Beyond: International Feminist Perspectives (Auckland, Annandale and New York, 1994).

Professor Richard Davis ( [email protected])
Professor Davis of the University of Tasmania is known internationally for his many books and articles on aspects of Australian and Irish history. He holds a Higher Diploma of Education from the University of Dublin (1960), has over twenty-five years teaching experience, and has published articles on university teaching techniques and the history of university education in Tasmania. He has encouraged students to explore new information technologies.

Professor Norman Etherington ( [email protected])
Professor Etherington holds a chair in History at the University of Western Australia, and is currently President of the Australian Historical Association. He is known internationally for his books and articles on various aspects of the history of colonialism in Africa and the Pacific. Since his appointment to UWA in 1989 he has been responsible for innovations in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, notably with respect to the application of new information technologies. He is a founding editor of H-ANZAU. As President of the Australian Historical Association he has committed the Association to exploring how best information technologies might service the future teaching and research needs of the Australian historical profession.

Dr Robin McLachlan ([email protected])
Robin McLachlan is internationally recognised for his research on computer-based teaching and learning. He served on the International Commitee of the Computers in the History Classroom Conference (CHC95) held in Luxembourg in April 1995. He is an editor of the journal Microcomputers and History, and is on the planning committee of the 1996 Association for History and Computing Conference. His most recent software package is Miss Traill’s House – A computerised Visit (Bathurst: National Trust, 1994).

Dr. Philippa Martyr ( [email protected])
Dr Martyr recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia. In 1994 she taught first-year European history at UWA, and in 1995 was appointed to teach the history and sociology of health care in the School of Nursing, University of Tasmania. She is a founding editor of H-NZ-OZ, now H-ANZAU, and has keen interests in the historiographical implications of using new information technologies in history teaching. Her publications include: “Protectors of the Public? Medical Orthodoxy and the Suppression of Alternative Practice in Western Australia, 1870- 1914, Studies in Western Australian History, vol. 14(1994), 149-168.

Dr. Diane Menghetti ( [email protected])
Diane Menghetti is known internationally for her publications on the history of radical politics, mining and migrant history. She has over twenty-five years secondary and tertiary teaching experience. Prior to taking up a lectureship at James Cook University in 1988, she was Assistant Director, New Schools Unit, Commonwealth Schools Commission. Since 1988 she has directed the James Cook Oral History Project, an innovative program involving the collection and computerisation of oral evidence of life in North Queensland. She has integrated the use of computers and new information technologies within her teaching of Australian history and Heritage management. She is a founding editor of H-ANZAU.

Dr David Rooney

David Rooney gained his Doctor of Philosophy in History and Sociology of Technology from Griffith University in 1997. He has taught at the Queensland University of Technology. His research and teaching interests include the sociology of technology; computer- mediated communication; industry, science and technology policy; technology transfer; electronic commerce; electronic communities; knowledge management; and historical analysis of technological change. His most recent publications include: Mandeville, T., & Rooney, D. (1997). The Business Use of E-Mail: Organisational and Workpractice Impacts. (Research Report Series. No. 4). Brisbane: The Communication Centre; and Rooney, D. “A Contextualising, Socio-Technical Definition of Technology: Learning from Ancient Greece and Foucault”. Prometheus, 15(3), 399-407.

International Editorial Advisors:

Dr Andrew Hassam, email: (, [email protected] ), home page at http://www.lamp.ac.uk/~alh.
Dr Hassam lectures at the Dr Frank Poyas ( [email protected] ) Dr Frank Poyas is currently Acting Associate Director of the Centre for Australian and New Zealand Studies at the Pennsylvania State University.