EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Glossary

Glossary of Terms

Baunscheidism: a form of therapy also known sometimes as an exanthematic method. It involves the puncture of skin with needles sufficient to create “artificial eruptions” through which the organism is relieved of the source of the disease.

Bone-setting: as the name suggests, the treatment of broken or dislocated bones. An ancestor of modern orthopaedics through Hugh Owen Thomas and his nephew, Sir Robert Jones. Bone setters could be veterinarians, or simply skilled local people. Ofte n, tricks of the trade were passed down through several generations of the one family.

‘Chinese Doctor’: this may mean a doctor of Chinese origin or a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.

Eclecticism: Dr. Wooster Beach (1794-1868) originated the Eclectic movement in the US. Beach’s goal was to reform medical practices, incorporating many theories into their medical systems — hence the name Eclectic. Their medicines were often pote nt and given in massive doses, sometimes with unpredictable results.

Exanthemic: method of treatment involving puncture of skin to create wounds, through which the organism is healed.

Galvanism: medical treatment by electricity (electrotherapy). Consisted of passing electric current through muscles to create heat. Faradisation produced muscular action via electricity.

Homeopathy: system of medical thought pioneered in modern times by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). Works on the principle that ‘like cures like’ – minute doses of herbal products which duplicate the symptoms of an illness will bring about the cure of that illness.

Hydropathy: ‘water cures’. Could range from bathing in sea water, or in natural spas, to drinking large quantities of water, which could be hot or cold.

Lodge: a rudimentary form of medical insurance. Lodges and friendly societies offered basic medical coverage (by employing a doctor to treat their members) for an annual fee. Lodges included the Independent Order of Manchester Oddfellows.

Medical Clairvoyance: usually a diagnostic technique. The clairvoyant could touch the person or something belonging to the person, such as a handkerchief or a lock of hair, and diagnose their illness. Sometimes a letter was sufficient.