SOUTH AUSTRALIA (33). BAILY, W. K., Mount Vivian. Pub. Vacc.
BOLLEN, George, Port Adelaide. Lic. Hahnemann’s Coll., Chieago, U.S.A. Homeopathist.
BRADY,–, Petersburg. Chemist. Propr. of a small private hospital (eight beds).
CARTER, Abraham, Yongala. M.D. Philadelphia, 1866. Advertises: ” Dr. A. Carter, M.D., U.S.A.. 1866 – Member of the Medical Board of Censors and Eclectic Medical Society, incorporated 1865.” Has been in practice in South Australia for 16 years. Said to have been a shoemaker in Adelaide some 20 years ago.
CRUNDWELL, R. G., Angle Grove. Pub. Vacc.
DAVIES, Charles W, Mattawarrangala. J.P.; Pub. Vacc.
DOENAU, F. A. W, Two Wells. Pub. Vacc. Matriculated at the Univ. of Berlin in 1848; studied four years; passed tentamen philosophicum et medicum in 1852; was then appointed Asst. Surg. in the 7th Reg. of Prussian Artillery; left the service in 1855, and for South Australia in 1856, in charge of 300 immigrants. Has been practising in S. Australia since 1857; has held the appointment of Surgeon to various lodges.
DOEPKE, Albert J., Macclesfield. Pub. Vacc; Med. Offi. Destit. Board, Passed first examination in Berlin 1868, and tentatem physicum in 1870. Became Assistant Surgeon to Lazareths in Chateau Thierry and Lagny, France, 1870-71. Passed tentatnen medicum in Berlin in 1871. Arrived in South Australia in 1875, and practised first at Gumeraeha, then at Robe. Has been in practice fifteen years.
DOWLING, J. P., Fowler’s Bay. Pub. Vacc.
DYER, Percy Weldon, Minlaton. Pub. Vacc. Says he was registered as a Medical Student at B.C.S. Eng., and L.S.A. Lond.; Matriculated Student of Charing Cross Hosp. 1877-78. Studied under Dr. M. H. Higginbottom, ot Nottingham, from 1853-55; Asst. Surg. of the ship ” Porohontas ” from Liverpool to llelbournc in 1869; Surg. of Court Forest Glade, Jamestown, S.A., in 1876; dresser for six months in 1878 at Charing Cross Hosp., London, under Surg. E. Canton. Styles himself ” Mesopathist ” and ” DL”
EBERHARD, William, Tanunda. Pub. Vacc.
EDWARDS, –, Quorn. Visits also Petersburgh.
FIELDER,–, Tea Tree Gully.
FLORANCE, Charles V. L., Petersburg. M.P.S Vic.; Pub. Vacc. Studied under his father, the late Dr. Florance, in Victoria, also under Dr. W. Robert Roberts, of the Birmingham Hospital (England). Was assistant to three qualified practitioners for si x and a half years. Has practised in South Australia for ten years; was appointed Medical Officer to the Destitute Board for Georgetown in 1878, and in 1879 a Public Vaccinator, which appointment he still holds. During the last nine years has held the app ointment as Surgeon to various friendly societies at Goolwa, Eangarilla, and other places in South Australia.
FROST, E. D., Yaukalilla. Pub. Vacc.
GERNY, Albert, Redhill. Pub. Vaec.
HEANEY, G. M., Blinman. Pub. Vacc.
HEINRICH, — , Angaston. Homeopathist. Lately arrived from Germany.
HOLTHOUSE, E. S., Gumeracha. Pub. Vacc.
JAMES, — , 166, Adelaide. American Herbalist. Styles himself ” Professor.”
KLOSTERMANN, F., Tanunda. Formerly a baker. Says he is ” M.D. of Berlin.”
MERTON, H., Truro. Pub. Vacc.
POWELL, James H., Hergott. Pub. Vacc.
RICHARDS, T. P., Fowler’s Bay. Pub. Vacc.
RICHTER, Theodor Ludwig, Lyndoch. Pub. Vacc. Visited the University of Leipsig, Germany, from 1849 to 1853 (four years). Has practised at Lynnoch for 31 years.
SMITH, H. M., Gums. Pub. Vacc.
SCHMID, J. J., Morgan. Pub. Vacc.
SCHOLZ, H., near Angaston. “Bone Setter,” formerly farmer. Propr. of a “Private Hospital.”
STEWART, R., Port Augusta.
TAPLIN, F. W., Point McLeay. Pub. Vacc.
TELFER, W., Port Vincent. Pub. Vacc.
VONNIDA, Andreas, Yorketown. Pub. Vacc.
ZWAR, J., near Tanunda. Homeopathist, formerly farmer. Lives six miles from Tanunda. |