EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Sydney City



(With their addresses, alleged qualifications, and other particulars.)


[Note.-There are a large number of Chemists and Druggists throughout the colonies practising medicine, who have not been included in this list, thought it is probably that a few of those mentioned in it are merely druggists in interior tow nships, who are called “Doctor”, and prescribe occasionally; but as the reports have been received from reliable sources, the list is presumed to be correct.]

*** To every person whose name appears in this list, a circular was sent, with the request to furnish the Editor with particulars as to his medical training, &co. Those who have no particulars attached to their nam es have not replied to it.


New South Wales (183)


Sydney and Suburbs (84)

ADGER, James H. 131 Elizabeth St, Hyde Park. Styles himself “Dermatologist”.
ALLISON, John Nathan, 39 Castlereagh St Sydney. Is acting as Locum Tenens for Dr N E Boyd, who is absent in America.
ARNOLD, —–, 782 George St Sydney. Advertises: “Dr Arnold consults daily. Experienced, skilful, and confidential, as hitherto.”
BAPTY, Albert M, p.r. Ridge St North Shore. Does not practise on his own account, but as Assistant to Legally Qualified Medical Practitioners only.
BARKLAY AND CO, 43 Goulburn St Sydney. Advertise: “Manhood and vigour of youth restored in four weeks. Failure impossible. Pamphlet sent free on receipt of 2d stamp.” Also “Advice, Private and Confidential afforded to those suffering from Nervous D ebility, Loss of Manly Vigour, all Exhausting Derangements of the System and impediments which blight the prospects of life.”
BAYNTON, Thomas. 89 Moncur St Woollahra.
“BENETATOS”, 124 Hay St, Haymarket, Sydney. Advertises: “New Discovery. – Professor Benetatos cures rheumatics, no matter how chronic.”
BENSON, William, Cameron St, Paddington.
BETHEL, G H,38 Botany St Surry Hills. Homeopathist.
BOOTH, John. 138 Liverpool St Sydney. Advertises: “Booth’s hydropathic establishment. Books on water cure gratis.”
BOTTRELL, Edwin Horace Trudgeon (of “Drs” Bottrell and Gilbert), “Central Medical and Surgical Institution”, 188 Liverpool St Hyde Park (p.r. “Olive Bank”, Glenmore rd, Paddington), Sydney. M.D. Edin. Univ., USA (?) Advertises: “Drs Bottrell and Gi lbert, the eminent specialists, the authors of thirteen well-known books, are by skill acknowledged by the masses right men in the right place. Their scientific superiority has been recognised by the community, and tacitly conceded by their medical brethr en (sic!). Hence the thousand prefer to commit themselves to men whose skill is unquestioned,” &c., &c.
BOYNE, Fred. W, Pitt St Sydney. Styles himself “Dermopathist”. Advertises: “The peculiar merit of Dr Boyne’s new dermopathic process is its generall efficacy. Promptly arresting inflammation, it speedily heals diseased and abraded skin surfaces, e ruptions, and contusions. Cures the nerves, brain, heart, lungs, liver and stomach; supples the joints, cleanses the blood, and restores the natural tone of the constitution. Specialities – Rheumatism, Sciatica, Scrofula, Gout, Dropsy, Cancer. NB – Partic ular attention to incurable cases.”
BOWER, F. 320 Elizabeth St, Sydney – Herbalist.
BRIDGEWATER, Talbot, p.r. Marian St, Newtown (travels through the colony, last heard of at Wilcannia.)
BURDETT, —–, Alton Str, Woollahra. – Advertises: “TO Ladies. – Dr Burdett’s Pills remove all sickness and complaints. Send by post. Consultation by appointment. Address Dr Burdett (late surgeon of Himalaya), Sydney.”
BURNABY, W. Percy, 180 Pitt St, Sydney. – Styles himself “Dr”; claims to be a “relative of the lately deceased Colonel Burnaby.” Advertises: “Every quality of disease treated with miraculous success, the Dr. has never failed to cure the most compli cated diseases.” At his lectures “during the evening, the Dr. will sing his local song on the Chinese question, and give an unfailing recipe for the growth of the hair. Ladies and gentlemen matrimonially mated on the stage, and other evidence given of the wonderful Science of Phrenology.”
CAESAR (alias LUBIENSKI), cor. of Bedford and Buckingham strs., Sydney. – Advertises: “No cure no pay. – Dr Caesar gives written guarantee to cureNervous Debility, Skin and Contagious Diseases, or return money received. No merc ury used. Hopeless cases especially invited.”
CATHCART, Augustus, 10 Oxford St, Newtown. -Styles himself “Hygienic Physician and Homeopathist.” Claims to be a Mem. Homeopath. Assoc. Eng. Bases his right to practise upon a life-long study and practical clinical experience, and of having practis ed for a number of years at Newtown.
*CHALK, Madame, 22 Castlereagh-st, Redfern. “Advertises:”Medical Clairvoyant. – Madame Chalk, receives patients under electrical treatment.”[this could actually mean mesmerism rather than electrotherapy or electropathy. – Ed. ]
CLARKE, E.A.,Box 292, GPO Sydney. – Styles himself “Doctor”. He sells “The Amora Strengthening Wash and Regenerator”, which – he asserts – “strengthens the relaxed condition of the generative organs, and will be a source of relief to married men un equal to the duties imposed upon them; in his own case the result exceeded his most sanguine expectations.”
COLE, Alexander, 461 Pitt St Sydney. – Clairvoyant.
COMBS, —-, 458 Harris st, Ultimo. – Advertises: “Rupture, Seminal Weakness, and Scrofula treated. Guy’s Hospital exp.”
COOPER, H.W., 20 Oxford St Sydney. Advertises: “Sufferers. – Bad Legs, Skin and other Disease, no matter what cause, or how long standing, or what remedies failed. Medicated vapor baths. Book gratis.”
*COSTELLO, Miss Lizzie, Waverley. Advertises: “Miss Costello, Ladies Doctor, Diseases Women and Children. (Diploma, London.) British Hospital, York-road General Hospital, Obstetric Society, London.”
COWAN, Henry. 330 Elizabeth St S, Sydney. – Advertises: “Dr Cowan, Botanic Physician. Advice and medicine on all diseases 2s 6d.”
CRUMP, W.C. 148 Forbes St, Woolloomooloo. – Styles himself “Herbal and Electrical Physician”.
CURTIS, Robert, 4 Lancaster Villas, Ocean St, Woollahra. – Homeopathist.
ELLIOTT, E.C., 305 George St, Sydney. – Homeopathist.
FAWCETT, Benjamin, 630 Harris St, Ultimo, also cnr Park Rd and Premier St, Tempe. – Homeopathist. Mem[ber]. Homeop[athic].Assoc[iation]. Eng. Claims to have held the following appointments – Homeop[athic]. Phys[ician]. Hill En d Hosp.; then for six years Res[ident]. Med[ical]. Off[icer]. and Accoucher to City of Bathhurst Private Lying-In Hospital., (established by him), and during the past fourteen years medical officer of eighteen benefit societies in the Hill End, Bathurst a nd Sydney districts. Advertises pamphlet on “Childbirth without danger and nearly painless.”
FLATAU, John M. “Norfolk House”, Newtown. – States that he has been studying medicine from 1845 to 1848 at Univ. of Buda-Pesth, in Hungary. Was obliged to leave his country in 1848, owing to the revolution, when he joined the National Army, and bec ame attached to the staff of Kossuth. Was for some time detained in Turkey, where he had also opportunities of study and practice. Has practised in Australia since 1860; for nearly 20 years has been a Surgeon on Railway Works, viz., from Blackheath to Bow enfels, thence to Wallerawang; from Orange to Wellington and Dubbo, from Junee to Narrandera and Hay, and at present from Sydney to Stanwell Park, near Coalcliffe (Illawarra line).
FOOT, – , Box 916, GOP, Sydney. – Advertises Voltaic Belts for 17s 6d., which amount includes medical advice, as required. Asserts that the belts “are a certain, safe and speedy cure for Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Debility, Nervous Headaches, Lu mbago, Sciatica, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Heartburn, Dizziness, Lack of Will Power, Forgetfulness, Irritability, and all complaints of a nervous nature.”
GAMBLE, S.W., 9 Richmond St, Sydney. – Herbalist.
GARDNER, J.R. , 10 Castlereagh St, Redfern. – Styles himself “Dr.”. Advertises himself a “Specialist on Epilepsy and all Chronic Affections of the Brain and Nervous System.” Also, “Diseases which have hitherto been thought incurable are now yieldin g rapidly to his treatment. No Calomel, no Mercury, no Mineral Poisons will be administered in any form in any disease. Epileptic fits cure by a new treatment; these fits, even after they have been pronounced by the medical profession of 10 and 20 years’ standing incurable, and whenpatients are partly insane, are now being restored to sound health by Dr Gardner’s remedies. Consumption is no longer an incurable disease. When patients have lost the use of one entire lung, they can be restored to good health .”
*GARSKE, Maria. “Garrett House”, Waverly Rd, Woollahra. – Advertises: “Madame Maria Garske, holding diploma from the Royal Commission, Berlin, will receive and visit patients, attend confinements and general cases.”
GIBSON, G.W., 236 Elizabeth St, Sydney. – Styles himself “Professor of Medical Botany.” Advertises:”Beware of Drug Doctors and Consulting Chemists. Mercury is the death of thousands! Nature versus Quackery!”
GORDON, James. Liverpool St, Sydney.
GRAFORD, -, Sydney, – Advertises: “Dr Graford gives advice to ladies.”
GREEN. M., 40 Regent St, Sydeny. – Advertises: “Eye. – When doctors fail, consult Prof. M. Green, botanic medicinal oculist. See many who come blind from doctors, their full sight restored. Good proof.”
GREGG, -, “Norwood Villa”, Erskineville Rd, Newtown. -Assistant to Dr J Bruce; late travelling Med.Ref. to Lise Ass. Socs.; formerly of Brushgrove.
HODSON, H. 201 Victoria St, Darlinghurst. – Advertises: “Medical advice free. – Prof H. Hodson, M.H., member of St John’s Ambulance, late assistant to Dr Monckton, FRCS, MRCP &c., can be consulted on all diseases.”
*HOLDEN, Mrs., 41 Oxford St, Paddington. – Herbalist.
HOOD, Samuel, Amelia St, Waterloo. – States that his principal method of treatment consists of external applications to the spine. Has practised near Sydney for six years and formerly in New Zealand for eight years.
“HOPEFUL”, Box 766, GPO Sydney. – Advertises: “Lost vitality restored and nervousness cured without consulting a medical man. A medical treatise by an eminent French hospital physician and Parisian specialist, containing a simple and positive self- cure. Sent free to any sufferer for six penny stamps. Address Hopeful, box 766, GPO, Sydney.”
HUG, Otto B., 140 Phillip St Sydney. – M.C. on door-plate (Med. Clairvoyant?) Styles himself “The Celebrated Clairvoyant”.
JACKSON, -. late of 10 Macquarie St South, Sydney. – Homeopathist.
*JONES, Mrs. 353 Elizabeth St S, Sydney. – Medical Herbalist. Advertises: “Cured a girl of Hip Disease, man of Dropsy, Bright’s Disease, boy of Paralysis, after having been given up by most eminent doctors. Can cure Lumbago, Erysi pelas, Eye Diseases, Rheumatics, White Swelling, Bronchitis, all kinds of fits.”
JOWETT, J.G., 129 Regent St, Chippendale. Advertises: “All Diseases treated at the Hydropathic Baths. Books free.”
*LONGSHORE, Miss R.H., Arnott House, Wynyard Square, Sydney. M.D. of Penn Med Univ of Philadelphia, USA (?) Advertises herself as “Mrs Dr Potts’ sister and Associate Physician”; offers to treat all diseases of women and children.
LUBIENSKI. — See “Caesar”.
McCREERY, —. 98 Foveaux St, Surry Hills. – Medical Herbalist. Styles himself “Professor”; also “Botanic, Hydropathic, and Acetopathic Physician.” Formerly a furniture dealer.
MacMAHON, —, Crown St, Sydney. – Pupil of Caesar Lubienski.
*MASON, Mrs., 162 Forbes St, Woolloomooloo. – Advertises: “Mrs Mason, Medical Clairvoyant, health a speciality, herbal remedies, business, &c., 5s.”
MATSON, M., 24 Orwell St, Darlinghurst.
MOORE, Robert, Walker St, North Shore.
MOORE, William, 154 Elizabeth St, Sydney. – Homeopathist and proprietor of Electric Baths.
MURTAGH, Jas. M., 52 George St, Redfern.
NASH, A.H., 251 Crown St, Surry Hills. – Homepathist. Late of Hill End. Pupil of B. Fawcett.
NEWTON, Edward, 160 King St N., Newtown. – Herbalist. Claims thirty years experience.
ON LEE, George, 31 Margaret St, Wynyard Sq., Sydney. – Chinese Physician; styles himself “Dr”.
*PARKER, Mrs Sarah, 122 Bathurst St, Sydney. -Advertises: “Mrs Dr Sarah Parker, assisted by various Clairvoyants and Magnetists. Fee, 10s.”
PARKES, F., Naremburn. Herbalist.
PEISLEY, George, p.r.: 252 Victoria St, Darlinghurst. (Travelling).
PITT, J.S. 185 Regent St, Redfern. – Advertises: “Dr Pitty, late of Victoria Docks, London. Sees patients daily.”
RASMUSSEN, Hans, 485 George St Sydney. – Advertises: “Herr Rasmussen, (Life Honorary Member of, and Botanist to, the T.U.J.F.C.), the world renowned Danish Herbalist, will attend patients daily. Private complaints, Nervous Dability, and effects fro m self-abuse a Specialty. Advice Gratis. Medicine moderate. Consultation by letter, if required.”
*ROLLAND, Madame, 1 Richmond St, off Albion St, Sydney. – Styles herself “Phrenologist and Clairvoyant.” Advertises: “Gives advice to Travellers.”
RYAN, -., Waverly. Styles himself “Dr”. Formerly at Cootamundra and Burrowa.
SACHS, Leopold F., Steyn Rd, Manly, and at 52 Wynyard Square, Sydney. – Homeopathist.
SAUNDERS, C., Haymarket, Sydney. – M.P.S. Advertises: “A quick and sure cure effected in all Skin Diseases, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Diarrhoea, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and Syphilitic Disease, Nervous Debility, Weakness, and all Discharges from the Urina ry Organs, from whatever cause arising. All affections of the Blood, &c. Come and be cured. Consultation by Letter or Personally. All correspondence private.”
SELBY, Richard Thomas, 181 Devonshire St, Sydney. – Medical herbalist. Styles himself “Professor”. Advertises: “Sent post free for twelve penny stamps, a Treatise on Nervous Disorders, Celibacy, Marriage, How to choose a Partner for Life; also the injury caused by the use of tobacco and alcohol, &co, &c. Address, R.T. Selby, M.H.”
*SIMS, (Mrs Emma) and PARKES (Frederick), 240 George St North, Sydney. – Herbalists. Advertise: “Treat all diseases”.
SMITH, -. 109 Elizabeth St, Sydney. – Advertises: “Professor Smith, Oculist, Specialist, Discoverer of the Electric Cleanser. Great cure for Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Dropsy, and general diseases of the system. Will see patients at 109 Elizabeth St. Eye Diseases and Deafness specially treated. Hopeless cases cured after doctors failed. Moderate charges.”
SMITH, —. 10 Macquarie St South, Sydney. Has “Dr Smith, U.S.A.” on his door-plate. Advertises: “Advice gratis. Consultation (including medicine) 5s. Speciality, Nervous Diseases. Cure by Contract. Dr. Smith.”
SMITH, –., 158 Bourke St, Woolloomooloo. – Advertises: “Sufferers! Give your earnest attentijon. Prof. Smith’s new treatment positively cures Blindness, Deafness, General Diseases. Many testimonials.”
SPENCER, Louis de, 9 Regent St, Sydney. Advertises: “Consult Dr De Spencer, Specialist, who has received the substantial qualification of 40 years practical and varied experience in the practice of his profession. Let the afflicted have the benefit of his prompt and effective treatment, so as to regain their lost health and vigour. When other medical men have failed, consult the Dr. and be restored to your manly form and condition.”
STANICH, Prospero, Wynyard Square, Sydney. Advertises: “Dr Stanich, Aurist by appointment to his Excellency the ex-Governor of New South Wales, may be consulted on the Eye, Ear, and Throat Diseases.”
STEPHEN, Milner, late of 19 Bligh St, Sydney, now absent in America. Magnetic Healer.
SYLVIA, F. DE, William St, Paddington.
*TERRY, Mrs. 319 Dowling St, off Oxford St, Surry Hills. Advertises: “Madame Terry, Phrenologist, Herbalist, advice to travellers given.”
THOMAS, Evan, 228 Castlereigh St, Sydney. Advertises himself as “Ph.D., legally qualified Medical Practitioner, student from Lock Hospital, London, may be consulted on Skin Diseases.”
THOMAS, George F. 203 Elizabeth St, Sydney. Claims to possess the degrees of M.R.C.S, Eng., 1859, L.R.C.P. Lond 1864, M.D. Giessen 1871. Advertises that “he can be consulted on nervous debility, skin, contagious, and all other diseases arising from excess.”
TUALLY, R. late of Balmain. Studied medicine at Zurich (Switzerland) for four years, went to England in 1860, and practised there as well as in Scotland. Arrived in Victoria in 1864, went there to New Zealand (Dunedin), lost at that time his docum ents by fire. On his return to Victoria was appointed to subordinate positions in several hospitals. Came to New South Wales in 1877, as assistant to the late Dr J.J. Hill, of Lambton, and on leaving him was appointed Medical Attendant to New Lambton and South Waratah Colleries, also to I.O.O.F.M.U. Lambton. In August, 1878, was appointed medical attendant to Hartley Vale Kerosene Mines; also to the I.O.O.F. Lodges of Mt. Victoria, Katoomba, Hartley Vale, and Miners Accident Fund, which appointments he re linquished in 1885.
WALKER, -. Sydney. Herbalist. Mulatto, native of Kingston, Jamaica, West Indes. Arrived in the colony in 1880, practised at Lemon Flat, near Young, for four years; styles himself “Professor.” Professes to cure Neuralgia, Headach, &c., in two or thr ee minutes.
WALKER, A.B., 221 Liverpool St, Sydney. Homeopathist.