EJANZH: Ludwig Bruck: Victoria


COPE,– , Seymour.– Homeopathist.
DANNE, Rev Richard V., Gurner-st., St. Kilda, Melbourne.– Congregational Minister. M. D. Med. Chir. Coll., Philadel., Pa., U.S.A.
FISCHER, Samuel, Sandhurst.– Signs himself ” Prof. Samuel Fischer, Bauns-cheidtist, or Exanthematic method of healing.” He states: ” Studied Hydropathy and Homeopathy in Dresden, Germany; also Theoretical Anatomy. By his own sharp searching for t ruth, he found that Surgery and Physics are at fault, and that a practical bone-setter is better than a surgeon. Has no diploma; lost his chance to get one by taking part in the German Revolution, in 1848. Came then out to Australia, beeame a miner, and t eacher of French and German; began to practise Baunscheidtism in Sandhurst 10 years ago. Thinks himself equal to any medical man holding first-class diplomas.”
HERBERTZ, Joseph, Warragul.– Describes himself as “M.D., Bonn.” Has been fined in Victoria for breach of Medical Act.
KUGELMANN, H E., 201 Lygon st., Carlton, Melbourne.– Styles himself “Professor of Natural Science and Organic Medication, the most skilled Diagnosist, and only successful Consulting and Curative Herbalist of the present age.” Advertises that ” hi s treatment differs entirely from every other in existenee, being quite new and original. Diagnosis intuitive and instantaneous. Signed agreement given, which provides that no cost is incurred if cure be not effected.”
LAMSEY, JAMES, Sandhurst.– Chinese Doctor. Said to have the most lucrative practice in Sandhurst. Drives about in a buggy.
MORRIS, Joshua, Kyneton.– Herbalist.
NORRIS, W., Wood’s Point.– Mayor of Wood’s Point. Has frequently acted as assistant to medical men, and the Governmcnt have placed him in charge of the local hospital. Has been practising for thirty years.
SCHUHKNECHT, Rev. C., Natimuk. Homeopathist. German Lutheran Minrster; formerly of Mount Gambier (S.A.).
SINGLETON, J., Grey.street, East Melbourne.– Psychopathist; Med. Clairvoyant; Oculist and Aurist, Collingwood Free Dispensary; formerly Clerk Vict. Civil Serv. A son of Dr. Singleton.
SPENCER, J, 147 Drummond.st., Carlton, Melbourne.– Herbalist.
WATSON,– , Kyneton. Professes to cure Cancer by an arsenical paste.
YANDELL, — , Castlemaine.– Herbalist. Visits Maldon once a week. Formerly a plasterer.