EJANZH: Network Contacts for Historians

History on the Net

H-Net: The international on-line scholarly network for the humanities and social sciences.

History On-Line http://ihr.sas.ac.uk/search/

This new site from the Institute of Historical Research (IHR) and the ROADS Project is an important resource for historians, especially those working in the UK or studying Britain. Essentially a database of some 30,000 records, searchable categories at the site include: books, journals, and articles published in the UK (some with abstracts); higher education History teachers in the UK; history theses completed in the UK since 1900 as well as theses in progress; and seminars and conferences held at the IHR. Users can also search selected databases by historical theme, place, or period using the Institute’s Classification scheme page. The site would benefit immensely from browsing capability and more precision in the current search engines. Also, several databases overlap that are presented as distinct entities. However, the site still has considerable potential as a tool for research and professional communication.

More Information about H-ANZAU, H-Net’s edited discussion list for teachers and researchers of the history of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Professional Historians Association of New South Wales Inc.

NZHistory.net.nz This web site focuses exclusively on New Zealand history. The site is a gateway for all information relating to New Zealand history, and provides up-to-the-minute material on a range of historical topics.

NZHistory.net.nz is for students, teachers and practitioners of NZ history, as well as for those simply interested in New Zealand’s past. NZHistory.net.nz:

  • Runs exhibitions on aspects of NZ history;

  • Announces conferences, new books, and events in NZ history;

  • Provides links to New Zealand libraries, university history departments, archives, museums, publishers, historical research institutions and historical associations;

  • Offers a discussion list on NZ history;

  • Provides links to international history sources and sites;

  • Runs an online challenge:

  • Provides a link to the Heritage Group, Department of Internal Affairs.

NZHistory.net.nz is designed and maintained by a small team within the Heritage Group of the Department of Internal Affairs. Contributions are welcome. http://www.NZHistory.net.nz

The Australian Information Server for History and the Humanities. Resources in Australian and New Zealand history, and urban history.