EJANZH: Philippa Martyr on Ludwig Bruck: Notes

1. M Lewis, R MacLeod, ‘Medical politics and the professionalisation of medicine in NSW, 1850-1900’, Journal of Australian Studies, no 22, May 1988, pp. 69-82.

2. T Pensabene, The Rise of the Medical Practitioner in Victoria, Research Monograph 2, Health Research Project, Canberra: ANU, 1980.

3. P Martyr, The professional development of rehabilitation in Australia, PhD, University of Western Australia, 1995, unpublished, Chapter 2.

4. A Youngson, The Scientific Revolution in Victorian Medicine, Canberra: ANU, 1979, p 223.

5. Scot Skiving, R. “Surgery and surgeons in Edinburgh and Sydney over forty years ago”, Medical Journal of Australia, 1926(1), pp 299.

6. L Bruck, ‘The present state of the medical profession in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand’, Australasian Medical Gazette, vol 12, March 1893, pp. 94-98.

7. ibid, pp. 95, 97.

8.ibid, p. 95.

9. ibid.

10.ibid, p. 97.

11.ibid, p. 95.

12.op cit, p. 76. Lewis and MacLeod do, however, note the comparative professional weakness of the NSW medical profession in the 1880s and 1890s. Peter Lloyd also examines these issues in “A History of Medical Professionalisation in NSW: 1788-1950”, Australian Health Review, 1994; 17 (2).

13. Law Reports, Victoria, vol 1, 1875, p 112; vol 9, 1883, p 201; vol 10, 1884, pp 22ff; vol 21, 1895, p 354; vol 18, 1892, p 200 .

14. Bruck, op cit.

15. See, for example, the damning comment about chemists in the Western Australian port of Fremantle – many registered as doctors under the 1869 Medical Ordinance, and one commentator later growled in triumph, “not one of those pseudo-doc tors is left”. J Hitchcock, The History of Fremantle: the front gate of Australia, 1829-1929, Fremantle 1929, p. 53.

16.Perth Gazette and WA Times, 5 February 1869, p. 3.

17.Anne Crichton has examined this in her book Slowly Taking Control? Australian governments and health care provision, 1788-1988, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, 1990, pp. 11-23.

18. The full text of this advertisement, and other material relating to oxygen history, can be found at L Martin, Oxygen Therapy: The First 150 Years. Curiosities, Quackeries, and Other Historical Trivia.

19.P Martyr, “From quackery to qualification: massage and electrotherapy in Australia, 1870-1906”, Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History.

20. This has been noted by the anonymous historian of the Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association, especially in conjunction with alternative healing.

21. CSO vol 660, fol 57, 58, 64, 65, 1870, cited in P Garrick, C Jeffrey, Fremantle Hospital: a social history to 1987, Perth, 1987, p. 18.

22.Bruck, op cit, p. 95.