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Here’s something you maybe didn’t know went on in our world, female infanticide or killing girl babies just because they do not make economic or social sense. It is a problem in certain countries of the world and the fallout is getting worse by the year. A growing gender imbalance will have serious political, economic, and social consequences if people don’t smarten up and see beyond the socially constructed categories of gender. In the 21st century is this really something that should still be happening?

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Got your attention? Good. Feminists have long challenged men to treat women with respect, and to acknowledge their “sins.” But now, feminists themselves face a challenge. Men might be part of the problem, but women play a role as well. In fact, their role in creating the world “as it is” is just as significant, and just as worthy of critical analysis, as the roles (father, warrior, ruler) that men have played. The only question is, will we face the part we played, take responsibility for the damage, and change what we’ve done. Or will it be business as usual once again.

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A fascinating excurses on the gendered, and often misogynist, nature of our popular culture and the fantasy life we all buy into. Like zombies we walk this earth playing out our programmed gender roles. Wake up, wake up wherever you are. There is no benefit in “the game.’ It leads only to misery, oppression, and a slow and depressing descent into the prozac haze of our modern world.

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