Full Text Electronic Journals

The following journals are full text electronic journals either affiliated with the EJS or the International Consortium for Alternative Academic Publication (ICAAP). These journals are provided free or at very low cost in order to support uncommercialized scholarly publication.

Aurora Online

Interviews with Leading Thinkers and Writers

The Corner House

The Corner House is the official organ of The Corner House. A United Kingdom NGO which aims to support the growth of a democratic, equitable, and non-discriminatory civil society in which communities have control over the resources and decisions that affect their lives and means of livelihood. The Corner House publishes critical briefings on timely environmental and political issues.

The Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History

The Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History is an initiative of the School of History and Politics, James Cook University, and the Department of History, Melbourne University.

Radical Pedagogy

Radical Pedagogy is a new electronic journal which publishes all manner of material related to instructional theory and practice. We accept theoretical and practical papers, course syllabi that demonstrate innovate use of instructional material, articles outlining unique pedagogical strategies, and even multi-media materials constructed by the author for instructional use.

Russian Sociological Forum

The EJS is pleased and proud to announce the twinning of our journal with the newly established Russian Sociological Forum. The Russian Sociological Forum (RSF) is an international electronic journal in sociology published in Russia. Russian Sociological Forum is distributed free in order to promote uncommercialized scholarly communication. It is supported by the International Center for Sociological Education and the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The twinning establishes an international partnership for the dissemination of sociological research. The EJS and the RSF will share editorial and production expertise and the EJS will assist in the review of english language contributions when necessary.

Virtual Denizen – An International Journal of the Society, Culture and Politics of the Post-Information World

Virtual Denizen (VD) was established as a non-profit electronic journal for disseminating thoughtful and critical work on contemporary society. Our intent is to provide a venue for a type of work which we have (with some reservation) identified as “academic journalism”. Our reservations are two in number. First, it is our explicit desire that VD is not confined to academics. Our intent is to create a useful dialogue between denizens of the virtual world, whether academic or not. Having said that, however, we hope to provide a venue for more careful (and critical) work on matters of current interest. Second, our ambitions are wider than the traditional boundaries of contemporary journalism. VD hopes to spread thoughtful commentary on current events, but also to engage a number of issues at the more theoretical and conceptual levels.

The Craft

Recognizing the need for fundamental reform in the scholarly communication system, it is the goal of The Craft to create in scholars the desire and ability to pursue independent scholarly publication.

In pursuit of this goal, The Craft publishes technical pieces on scholarly communication, sociological, political, and economic analysis of the scholarly communication system, and other scholarly work directly related to independent scholarly publication.

The Craft is currently looking for editorial board members with an interest and expertise in the area of scholarly publication. The Craft is also looking for graduate students interested in apprenticing in the art and science of electronic publication. Interested individuals should contact the managing editor