Good Science – Announcements and Reviews | Good Science

“Working theoretically from an evolving standard of truth, Professor McGettigan takes the reader through major issues in science that detail how we move from A to B to C. That is to say, inside of 200 pages of beautifully written text we are taken on a journey, a tour de force, that ends with an analysis of the information society – a movement from gigantic tons of computers that would never fit into a home living room to iPhones—that can do the same sort of computing, if not more, that can fit neatly in a vest pocket.

Good Science: The Pursuit of Truth and the Evolution of Reality, by Professor Timothy McGettigan is an exceptional read. It not only charts the revolutions in science, but along the way he shows that none of it is devoid of human contact and influence: sometimes good, sometimes not so good. This important text powerfully addresses in a lively way, the sometimes-drab world of science so hidden from human inspection. This book is a must for any reader trying to understand the trajectories science, policy and the human condition.” — Earl Smith, Rubin Distinguished Professor of American Ethnic Studies and Sociology, Wake Forest University

“Good Science provides a provocative and accessible discussion of the social and philosophical complexities of scientific knowledge. Science, it turns out, is best when it becomes messy, and the messy issues of truth, reality, and technology are examined and clarified, through historical cases, in this excellent and insightful study.” — Will Wright, Colorado State University-Pueblo