– hello again –

yes as it happens that is correct. i feel powerless to bring the change that I would love to see, that we all would love to see. I am feeling overwhelmed by the sadness brought about by greed, corruption, the system. The oil spill in the Gulf coast is a fine example of me feeling helpless but very sad. Saturn is a card I understand, it is where I feel I am within the system, it is the prison, manifest, in my view. I know I can peek from the bars and sometimes sqeeze between them, but the vibrational construct of the systems on which we rely is attached to the bars.

I know the old world or the bars in someways appear to be bending if not breaking, but as yet, I see very little change. I am questioning everything about the system, the finance world, money, oil, government, aristocracy specifically the royal family – I mean who put them in charge ?

When I look at the lightworker, I see someone naked and vulnerable, someone who sees the truth with out pretence, someone who is focused on the light on the real life force, but they are surrounded by darkness and alone. Strength I like the picture but I do not really understand it. I have even slept with it a few times under my pillow, still nothing, it is like there is a block there and I know my feeling of neutrality is a block, it is like a disconnect.

Thank you for your feedback, you have both inspired me to work with those two cards over the weekend !