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Welcome home!

This phrase is one of the trademark Lightning Path catchphrases and along with as above in consciousness, so below in matter or consciousness is the root of all things, defines what this website, and my writing is all about. The Lightning Path is all about bringing you in from the cold illusions and delusions, of Maya, stripping off the layers of clothing that hide what lies beneath the protective crusting, handing you a hot cup of cocoa, and welcoming you back home to the family of Spirit.

This is the journey back to yourself.

On this journey you learn to fearlessly reject the indoctrination of science and church.

On this journey you remember who you are and recover your confidence.

On this journey you take control of your brain and control of your thoughts.

On this journey you remember the Truth about yourself, your place in the universe, and the nature of your work here.

On this journey you shake off the impotence bequeathed to you by The System and you re-take control of creation.

This is the path back to your true divinity and power.

This is the path back to your full self.

This is the path back home so, welcome home!

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Last Updated on Thursday, 08 April 2010 02:13