– Introduction to Beyond Imagination –


I am Wayne. I consider myself to be a metaphysician and a systems engineer, in that order. My primary concern is the spiritual. Indeed, it has been for my entire life. Though, I separated myself from any religious training when I was 10. I found the Seth books by Jane Roberts in 1974. They were fundamental to my development from that point forward. The transcendentalists Emerson, Thoreau, and Channing were as well. Indeed, I consider myself among their number. In 1993, I underwent a major spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, I seemed to be the only one in my world that was aware of it as such. Indeed, I am still very much a loner and live a great deal of my life in solitude. In March 1993, however, I began writing. I began capturing a stream of consciousness expression that came from something I knew only to be the source within, spirit herself. This has continued to this day. Indeed in 2009 alone, over 1 million words came forth. Many of these are available for free at my Beyond Imagination site (www.redshift.com/~beyond/mainpage.htm). All that has been expressed is published as works at Scribd (www.scribd.com), search for Wayne Hartman or Wayne Hartman or Beyond Imagination if you are interested. I have no conscious sense of originating any of that expression. Yet, I know that it came from other than conscious parts within me. Why it came forth and what purpose it has in the grand scheme of things, I do not know. I only know that I am moved to capture it and share it. I trust that the source that expresses through me knows precisely what it is doing. If indeed any of this is meant to reach anyone, I trust that it will indeed do so.

My mission is to build the foundations for a new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh. It has to be in flesh, or it simply doesn’t count. Indeed, it is time to go Beyond Imagination, to creating the very world in which we can thrive as the true spiritual beings that we are. I know that this is a grand undertaking, one that requires the involvement and participation of many. I am grateful to have encountered the Lightning Path two days ago. From everything I can tell this far, it is perfectly compatible with who I AM, indeed with who we all truly are … spirit in flesh. I feel as if I have been spiritually reborn once again. For the first time in my life, I look forward to truly developing friendships and relationships that are mutually beneficial. Indeed, I have great hopes as to what might become of all of this. We truly are on a grand collective spiritual journey. I welcome the opportunity to introduce who I am to this new community of seekers, this new community of lightworkers. The world is indeed in need of all that we can offer it. I am grateful for any feedback that you feel moved to provide. Do explore the Beyond Imagination works if that indeed interests you. Further, please provide whatever feedback you deem appropriate. I have been essentially operating open loop for over 17 years. Complex systems need feedback if they are to operate in a manner that provides something useful. Each of us is a complex system. The Beyond Imagination endeavor is my means of providing service to spirit, and hopefully to the world as well, perhaps even to you. Your feedback may help me to tailor what I do to enable me to provide the best service that I can. I am open to collaborative efforts as well. I firmly believe that cooperative interdependence is how the world operates at its best. It is time to do what it takes to make this process more conscious. I AM THAT I AM THAT YOU ARE. In Peace, Love, and Light,
