Lightworker reads –

This webspace is a space for book and website recommendations. I got the idea to start this webspace after arguing with a moderator on my forums about the the nascent racism of a certain new age author,  and watching a clip where said author literally confabulated and lied about evidence, before the very eyes of the viewers.  This guy’s thesis is the world is controlled by shape shifting snakes and he takes as his evidence of that fact the “ubiquity” of serpent symbolism. It’s everywhere, he says. He even talks to a shaman about it who presents a necklace with a female and another figure which, funny enough, looks nothing like a serpent (it looked more like an oval shaped chubby guy). Undaunted, our intrepid research admits it looks nothing like a lizard but then comes up with some cockamamie argument about how, even though it doesn’t look like a lizard, it represents a lizard anyway.

oi vay

I got to admit, I was stunned! Not so much because I won’t consider the theory (I myself believe quite strongly that the earth was colonized by a wayfaring race of planet crushers some 30,000 years ago), but because of the way he bent the evidence to support his theory! With a single rhetorical twist this guy created the conditions were just about anything he wanted to could be construed as evidence supporting his fantasy theory of shape shifting snakes. No doubt Karl Popper was rolling in his grave.

I was flabbergasted!

Anyway, it was shortly after seeing that clip I thought it would be nice to offer my opinion of what counted for adequate research and sensible conclusion formation.  I mean, we all know we’ve been lied to about our spiritual heritage, and we all know we are enslaved by a funky system, controlled by a group of global elites, but we don’t have to rely on second rate sources and individual’s who don’t have any moral or intellectual difficulty bending the truth to suit their own agenda to find out about that. There’s a lot of good research out there on gender, politics, the power elite, the monetary system, poverty, global finance, and all that other stuff and we just need to be aware that it exists.

And that’s what this section is devoted to. This blog will be devoted to providing you with reading suggestions on various topics relevant to the awakening human, and that meet a certain level of integrity, honesty, and respect for the truth of things. If you’re tired of all the bull caca, if you are anxious to move forward, if you want to know the truth about this  world, whether that is spiritual, political, economic, social, or psychological truth, then you’ll find it with the authors and books listed here.

If you are an author and you want your book considered for placement here, you can send a copy to me: