LP Books

LP Books

Currently, there are four books in the LP Core level, these are: The Great Awakening, The Book of Life, Dossier of the Ascension, and The Book of Light Volume One. Each of these books is designed to oriented you and get you moving in the right spiritual direction. The Great Awakening is the LP primer and provides an introduction authentic spirituality. The Book of Light volume one is an introduction to the Lightning Path cosmology and includes a discussion of the nature of god, the structure of consciousness, and the purpose for creation.The Book of Life is summary of the special purpose of this earth. Dossier of the Ascension introduces you to your physical unit and provides you with a powerful activation. The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy explains the nature of money, the purpose of debt, and the direction in which the current political economy is taking us. More information and links to purchase individual books from amazon.com and its international affiliates is provided below. Information on purchasing the LP Core books as a set, click here.

The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Authentic Spirituality is a short excursus on the professionalization of spiritual inquiry.In the book I make the case that all other disciplines of human interest, like engineering and psychology, have agreed upon measures of their utility and efficacy but the area of spiritual inquiry does not. In the case of religions and spiritual systems we tend to have an “anything goes” mentality whereby anything that anybody might care to say about god, God, spirit, consciousness, or creation is considered valid and acceptable. The situation is so bad that people may even engage psychedelic fantasies, or psychological or physical abuse in the name of spirituality (i.e. spare the rod and spoil the child, you’re going to burn in hell cause you’re a loser, etc).

In the RSG to Authentic Spirituality I take serious issue with this laisse faire attitude suggesting not only that we need to put aside our naive and damaging “anything goes” attitude (after all, we’d never walk into a doctors office thinking it didn’t matter what the doctor told us), but also providing a set of professional guidelines (the “seven pillars of authentic spirituality'”) that we can use to begin the process of “raising the bar” on what counts as acceptable spiritual discourse and inquiry, with the ultimate goal of eliminating immature, unprofessional, profiteering, abusive, and exploitative spiritual practices.

Currently available as a draft in the subscribers’ section of this site.

Expected date: May 2010


If you are a current site subscriber, then in exchange for your awesome support of this work you can download the LP Core books for free, as many times as you want, and share them with whomever you want. Please never force these books on people (i.e. do not vigorously insist people read them), but when people express an interest or seem open, or are wondering why people are dying all around them, then giving these books away is a great way to kick start the process for them.

Before giving the books away to people, give some thought to what would be the most appropriate book to start with. For spiritual newbies, i.e. for those coming from old world spiritual systems, or for those coming from atheist backgrounds, give The Great Awakening. For those interested in theology and cosmology, give The Book of Light. Those who want the new age message in cole’s notes form, The Book of Life. Those interested in chakras and healing/health issues, give Dossier of the Ascension. If you want to get a good discussion going on economics, give The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy. Go with your intuition. Never push but give the book that is “right” for the person you are assisting.

And of course, don’t be afraid to answer questions.The idea isn’t to just give the books away and then walk away. The idea is to help out. Be there for support and, if you are so inclined, be a mentor to people. We aren’t intended to do this by ourself. The fact of the matter is, the imposition of The System has damaged everybody and everybody needs help to one extent or another, so don’t be afraid to help. The old adage is true, we learn best when we teach other.

The following text is available only to site subscribers. For more information click this link. To subscribe click this link.


It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like

“What about lunch?” Winnie the Pooh


The Great Awakening: Concepts and Techniques for Successful Spiritual Practice is a primer of right thinking and basic spiritual technique. The Great Awakening consists of a collection of short essays on basic spiritual topics and techniques, like breathing, and grounding, visualization, communicating with spirit, spiritual protection, and so on. In this book you will find everything that you need in order to successfully initiate and navigate the initial stages of your spiritual awakening process.

The Great Awakening is not a long book nor a complicated book, but it is an important book. If you are going to navigate the early stages of your (voluntary or involuntary) spiritual awakening process as safely and effectively as possible, you need to know the concepts and techniques in this book. The concepts in this book can make the difference between anxiety, confusion, fear, spiritual emergency, and “going down with the ship,” or calm, measured advance.

The PDF eBook version of the Great Awakening was released to the world for free on Dec. 25, 2007. Please feel free to download, copy, email, teleport, translate, fax, print, or otherwise distribute this book to any individual or group you feel may be interested. Please note that I (Michael Sharp) retain all rights to his book. You many not charge a fee for distribution of this book or alter the text, cover, or internal copyright notices in any way. This book must be copied and presented as is.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.

For available translations, click this link.



The Book of Light is a combined cosmology and theology that provides you with non-abusive, non-hierarchical, inclusive, and empowering information on God, god, the cosmos, and you. The book discusses the nature of God (and god), the nature of consciousness, the nature of creation, the emergence of dimensions (time, space, etc.), the levels of the unfolding, the problem of ennui and much more. Many “old world” spiritual concepts are redefined and several new philosophical and cosmological concepts (like The Fabric of Consciousness, The Unfolding of Creation) are introduced to the consciousness of this planet for the very first time.

This book does away with all old world theology and cosmology and presents you with the capital “T” truths of creation. If you are concerned to know the full nature of creation and the empowering truth about you, this is the place to start.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.



It would be an understatement of biblical proportions to say that money and the economy are misunderstood. Yet money (i.e. energy arising from our manifestation efforts) and the economy (i.e. the circulation of energy) are central aspects of our spirituality and spiritual purpose. The bottom line is, in this physical universe you cannot do anything without energy, you can’t even maintain your physical body without it, and so money (i.e. energy) is critical. Without enough energy (i.e. money) it is a long, slow descent into physical oblivion.

So why don’t we have enough energy? Well it’s not because there isn’t enough to go around. The truth is, money is a container for our energy (i.e. our effort) and a vehicle for its exchange, yet on this planet the flow of money (i.e.energy) is hijacked by a few who understand its true nature. Once hijacked the flow is diverted away from the economy (and away from fair exchange) and into huge containers (i.e. bank accounts) so that the few may accumulate energy and enrich themselves at the cost of the many.

In The Rocket Scientists’ Guide to Money and the Economy you will learn not only the true spiritual nature of money but you will also get a thoroughly enlightening glimpse into the black and exploitative nature of our global economic system. In this book you will learn all about the circulation of energy (i.e. money) and how debt is used as an instrument of extraction and slavery. By the end of this short read you will understand the nature of money, the nature of the economy, and the core and exploitative nature of The System.

If you’ve ever thought the topic of money was complicated, and if you ever thought you’d never truly understand the black arts of finance, think again. The RSG Money and the Economy blows the doors of the secret temple and exposes the slimy inner workings to the bright light of day.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.


The Basic Book is the basic foundational treatise or primer for the Lightning Path system of spiritual development.  This book provides you with a detailed psychological, sociological, and spiritual introduction to the Lightning Path corpus. Whether or not you are a professional counsellor or sociologist interested in the theoretical underpinnings of the LP corpus, or simply an LP practitioner interested in understanding how all the LP books fit together into a coherent theoretical whole, this is the place to start.

For professionals, this book provides the basic introduction to LP psychology and sociology. This book introduces you to the physical unit (i.e. your body) and its status as a vehicle for consciousness. In The Basic Book I unwrap the basic psychology of the physical unit. In this book I show the nature of the physical unit as vehicle for consciousness, discuss how consciousness interfaces with the physical unit, provide guidance on the provision of proper developmental conditions (conditions that provide for the successful alignment of the physical unit with its resident consciousness), and discuss the basic pathologies that arise when the physical unit is improperly cared for. During the course of this unwrapping I introduce and define several key Lightning Path concepts, introduce you to the notion and importance of alignment, right environment, right action, right thought, and gets into a detailed discussion of the sorts of things that can undermine the psychological, emotional, and energetic integrity of the physical unit. All in all this book provides the starting point for those professionals interested in moving towards a sophisticated and grounded psychology or sociology.

For all others this book provides the string that ties everything together. After reading this book you’ll have a deep and thorough understanding of the Lightning Path and its signifance to your awakening, empowerment, and ascension. Reading this book will provide a sort of “key” that will make all the other LP books that you read more visceral and present for you.

Currently available as a draft in the subscriber’s section of this webspace.

Expected: August 2010


Currently, there are two books in the LP Intermediate level. The Book of the Triumph of Spirit and The Book of Songs. Both books deal in the realm of archetypes. That is, both discuss and elaborate upon the creation templates of this planet and both (but especially The Book of the Triumph of Spirit) are concerned with the elimination of our current hierarchical and exclusionary creation template with a non-hierarchical and inclusionary creation template that emphasizes our divinity and power.

If you are a current site subscriber, then in exchange for your awesome support of this work you can download the LP Intermediate books for free. These books are provided for you only and unlike the LP Core books should not be shared with others.  Please respect the enormous amount of my time and energy that these works represent and respect the boundaries of this offer.

The following text is available only to site subscribers. For more information click this link. To subscribe click this link.



The Song of Creation is the new story of genesis and the first book that I wrote when I sat down in 2003 and began this work. This is the story of creation from the beginning to right now, with a special focus on ascension and your role in the process. As part of the Lightning Path Intermediate level of study this book focuses on right thinking and the provision of a true, proper, and empowering archetypal foundation for your bodily consciousness. In order to encourage right thinking about cosmology, creation, and purpose The Song avoids all the ugly, hierarchical, judgmental, paternal, jaw yapping finger wagging of other creation stories and presents you with the glorious and empowering truth of you.

Rather than leaving you sick and depressed, dis-empowered and diminished (i.e. you are rejected idiots from The Garden, or karmic rejects on a multi-lifetime mission of atonement), this story of genesis will lift you up, contribute to your empowerment and awakening, and give you hope. The Song of Creation is presented in the form of an illustrated epic poem. The beautiful illustrations and empowering text make this a perfect coffee table conversation starter.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Intermediate Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.


The Book of the Triumph of Spirit consists of a book and a set of tarot cards. The tarot cards are the revolutionary new Halo/Sharp tarot cards which Oxo Halo (the artist) and I designed. The book and deck are designed to provide a practical guidebook to right thinking. They are designed to help you clean out all “old world” archetypes and replace these with clean, shiny, uplifting, and spiritually aligned ideas. By replacing all old world thinking and archetypes, i.e. by aligning your body’s consciousness with your spiritual consciousness) you will find that Spirit will more easily expand (i.e. descend) into the body.

The Book of the Triumph of Spirit is an intermediate Lightning Path book. You should be familiar with Lightning Path Core concepts and technique before moving on to this book. In particular, you should have used The Great Invocation (included in The Dossier of the Ascension) to clear out major fears and issues before attempting the crown chakra expansion that is facilitated by this book.

The Book of the Triumph of Spirit works in conjunction with The Book of Songs, The Song of Creation, this website, and my blog to provide you with a strong and grounded foundation for individual and global transformation. By the end of your intermediate level study you will think different, be different, and manifest differently.

Available exclusively from Lightning Path Press either as part of the LP Intermediate book package (print or eBook), or as an individual print or eBook purchase (print version includes print deck, eBook version includes computer images), or as part of a Lightning Path package deal.



The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order was the second book I wrote (the first was The Song of Creation). This book is basically a Cole’s notes primer of “new age” spirituality. In this book I introduce you to the idea that this earth has a purpose and that this purpose is ascension. In this book I talk about the nature of ascension (i.e. what it is about and how it is accomplished), discuss past attempts to ascend this planet, go over obstacles and difficulties we’ve had trying to ascend this planet, and finally point to the successful denouement of our ascension efforts. During the course of this discussion I introduce you to The Space Time Tube, the idea of concurrent lives, the nature of energy (yin, yang, energetic spin, and the physical body as an “energy” device), the true relevance of karma, the nature of your spiritual guides, the purpose of your incarnation on this planet, the mind mush of creation, and so on.

This book is an essential read for anybody wanting to know “what’s up” on plant earth. If you are new to concepts of spirituality outside of the boundaries of organized religion, this book will bring you rapidly up to speed. If you’ve been around the spiritual block (so to speak), or if you are unsatisfied with what some others are saying about “what’s up,” this book will help. The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order is clear, grounded, and concise introduction to everything you need to know to help get you moving in the right direction.

Download a sample in English.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.



The Dossier of the Ascension was my second major book. This book is basically an introduction to the pathology of your body’s chakra system and how to heal that pathology and empower your body. The book  provides a run down of what the chakras are, why they are important in the empowerment of your physical unit, how to activate them, and what to do to keep them activated.

As noted in the book, chakra activation is a straightforward process requiring nothing more than a few seconds of visualization. However, while it is easy to activate your chakras , it is a little more difficult to keep them activated because of what happens when you activate your chakras and empower your body.  As explained in the book when you open your chakras you basically “power up” your body. When you do that any fears, issues, or wrong thinking that you have buried in your brain will explode into manifestation. When that happens to you it is often overwhelming and this can lead to a tendency to shut down your energy flow (i.e. shut down your chakras) and move back towards a position of creative impotence (this is the “Genie in the Bottle” problem discussed as part of the LP Intermediate level of training). In order to avoid a fearful and pre-emptive shut down of your chakras The Dossier of the Ascension (along with all others aspects of the LP system) provides you with the guidance, information, and support that you need in order to identify, clear, and heal in order that you may remain fully empowered and fully present in your physical unit.

Because the suppression of your chakras is intentional (it is much easier to control and manipulate a physical unit when it’s energy system is shut down)  The Dossier of the Ascension also provides information on the xeno-history of The System (i.e. who installed it and what it does). This information is introductory only. For a more detailed account of The System, i’s origin and elimination, please see The Book of the Triumph of Spirit, The Book of Songs and The Black Book.

Available from: Amazon.com (see side links), Fishpond.co.nz, as part of the Lightning Path Core Package Deal (either as eBooks or print), and as an individual book* through the LP Store. Note, volume discounts of between 40% and 50% apply through the Lightning Path store.


You need flash installed to view the tarot selector

This is the supplemental online book for your intermediate level study. This material is to be used in conjunction with The Book of the Triumph of Spirit. This material should be read along with the card descriptions provided in the tarot book. These descriptions provide additional explanation of old world archtypes, and additional context for the developed of new archetypes and solid, grounded right thinking.

To browse the cards, click with your mouse in the lower left or right hand corners of the applet, or simply use your arrow keys. To select a card, simply click and the associated description will be brought up. Don’t feel the need rush through this material. Ideally you’ll pick a card a week (or so), study the old world ideas and the new world ideas, and spend all the time you need rooting any of the old world ideas out of your brain. Be persistant and consistent and you will notice changes in your own consciousness. Your awareness should increase, your understanding and wisdom should expand, and you’re confidence will blossom as you continue with the processing of seating your higher consciousness in the thrown of it’s creation.

Two other things:

  1. You can find additional analysis and discussion of the cards at the forums. Follow this link.
  2. Most of the text here is available for subscribers only. For more information about subscribing, click this link. To subscribe click this link.

You need flash installed to view the tarot selector


As outrageous as this may sound to some people, in volume three of The Book of Light I provide a complete integration of science and spirit. As readers will recall, volume one of The Book of Light opens with my trademark phrase consciousness is the root of all things. Volume three demonstrates why this is true by showing how the physical universe (i.e. particles of matter) arise from spiritual consciousness. This volume of the Book of Light lays the foundation for vibrational physics, and moves science beyond the dualistic thinking which it inherits from it’s religious past.

Building on the foundations of the previous two volumes, volume three provides a complete and unified theory of consciousness and creation (a super GUT) upon which to build a new science of spirit and creation. Volume three sets the stage for the fourth and final volume of this cosmological and theological treatise which deals with the emergence and ascension of life.

If you are a site subscriber, you may download the book by clicking the link below. If you use this book in your own work, please acknowledge your source.

The following text is available only to site subscribers. For more information click this link. To subscribe click this link.


The Book of Light Volume Two picks up where volume one left off, that is with the problem of Daath. Starting from the fact that a mere quantitative addition of monads could no longer provide an interesting playing field, volume two discusses the solution to the problem of as the entrance of Spirit into physical matter. Volume two speaks of the days of creation, the flood, the expansion, tuning, and the glorious dance of creation that emerges once the problem of Daath is overcome.

Whereas volume one was primarily concerned with an accounting of the nature of consciousness and the unfolding of creation, volume two sets the foundation for a detailed examination of the interface between consciousness and physical matter up in volume three and four. Volume two begins to tackle key philosophical questions like, if consciousness is the root of all things (see volume one), how does physical matter emerge from consciousness? Or, if consciousness is the primary reality, what (in fact) is physical matter?  Answering these questions ultimately leads an integration of science and spirituality in volumes three and four of this series.

Currently volume two of The Book of Light is available only to site subscribers. Click the link below to download.

The following text is available only to site subscribers. For more information click this link. To subscribe click this link.


The Black Book is the final Lightning Path advanced book. This is the book you read when you have walked the path of awakening and empowerment through the core and intermediate levels and are finally ready to say, enough is enough: enough child abuse, enough rape, enough war, enough exploitation, enough greed, and enough suffering.

The Black Book provides a complete run down on the nature of The System, why it operates the way it does, how it was imposed, and what we can do to remove support, undermine resistance, and finally get rid of it once and all for. And of course, it is “we” that accomplish this. If you think you can just stand around waiting for  evolution, pole shifts, galactic alignments, or Mayan calendars, to magically transform this planet, you’ve lost your way. We are god’s in incarnation and we are the ones responsible for creating the world that we and our children will live in.

  • The Black Book Will be released free as an eBook Dec 21, 2012 and through normal print distribution channels. To be notified of its release, Subscribe to the default mailing list.




The Book of Songs is a philsophical and psychological treatise on ideas, archetypes, and the deep meaning of my aphorism as above in consciousness, so below in matter.TM This book discusses the nature of archetypes and creation templates as structures for organizing consciousness and manifesting reality, and highlights the linkages between The System, socialization, indoctrination, archetypes, the media, and even our cherished creation stories.

The Book of Songs provides the theoretical foundation for understanding the importance of right thinking, archetypal revision, and the creative significance of the Halo/Sharp Tarot/archetype system. The Book of Songs builds on the psychological foundation provided in The Basic Book and prepares the reader for the more advanced excurses on The System provided in The Black Book.

This book is an essential read for individuals looking to understand the deep magic of creation, professionals wanting to create a sophisticated spiritual practice, and artists, actors, musicians, and others who work with the creation template of this planet and who are no longer interested in perpetuating The System and its archetypes in their artistic endeavors.

Available towards the end of 2011.


The Book of Magic is a multi-volume treatise on chakra activation. Whereas The Dossier of the Ascension speaks in general terms about the major blockages to chakra activation, and discusses the big and little fears which cause the energetic constipation that leaves you spiritually impotent, The Book of Magic goes into great detail on how to handle and navigate the powerful new realities that are opened up when you successfully maintain chakra flow.

The first volume of The Book of Magic, The Psychology and Psychopathology of Crown Chakra Activation, is available as a draft in the subscriber’s section of my web space. If you are experiencing weird crown chakra phenomenon, like spontaneous channeling, voices in your head, disconnection with reality, ego difficulties (either a pathologically diminished or puffed up ego), and difficulty controlling your powerful thought processes, I recommend you check out the draft and visit us at our online forums. Subsequent volumes of The Book of Magic will deal with the other six chakras.

The Book of Magic is a mentor level resource and is intended to be read not only by individuals seeking a deeper understanding of the operation of the physical unit, but also by professionals (i.e. LP mentors, psychologists, social workers, teachers, etc.) who want to develop a more sophisticated and informed knowledge of the physical unit and its energetic system. The Book of Magic builds on the psychological foundation provided in The Basic Book and moves Lightning Path discussions towards a university and research oriented discourse.


How to order the kid’s books


Crystal Child site

I love my children and I think childhood is a precious and magical time. Unfortunately, I also believe that on this planet we, and by “we” I mean everybody, systematically abuse our children. The rates of physical and sexual abuse are, frankly, horrendous and should give any reasoning adult cause to pause and reflect. The damage to the physical unit that is caused by these direct assaults, which are typically perpetrated by the people who are supposed to protect us (our fathers, mothers, uncles, and even priests), is horrific. Once the damage is done it can take a long time to heal. Sadly however it is not just the direct physical and sexual assaults that cause damage. Because The System is all about disempowering us and making us lay down in impotent, sleepy servitude, we all experience damage to one extent or another. In my view there isn’t anything redeemable in our current educational or socialization practices. We have to build something new.The children’s books that I write are a step in that direction. Rather than teaching children the value of impotence and servitude, and rather than sending children the message that they are broken, unworthy, and in need of tutelage, these books teach children about their light, power, divinity, and entitlement. In the lingo of The Lightning Path, these books align the physical unit with its animating consciousness and facilitate the expansion of consciousness into the body, rather than its suppression. Although these books cannot stand alone against the horrible onslaught of competition, ranking, hierarchy, and conditional love we spew at our children, they can provide a strong alternative message and they are reminders to us (the “adults”) that there is a different way to look at things. In this sense they can provide an inoculation for our children and the seeds of a parental and educational rethinking.  You can find out more about the books by visiting my Crystal Child site. You can also order the books from amazon (links below) or from The Lightning Path Press. {sa 0978096959} {sa 1897455704}

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